The Demi Bloods

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Percy's POV

Several questions hit me at once. Like "what?" ,"How", "why", "who killed" , "is it true"
But I asked the most unsmart question of them all. " How do you know, Mr Potter?!"
He sat beside me , " Owls are messengers , Percy, I wrote a letter to your Mum, as you said her name Sally Jackson, 11, Mutiny Appt. , Manhattan...right.?."
I nodded.
"The owl came back with the letter" and handed it to me. It was same as before .  " When someone doesn't belong there..." he paused. "... it could not have carried the letter. Considering your address is correct and someone does live there, the owl would never come back with the letter..." He put his hand on me. " I am sorry Percy, I hope I am wrong. But...Well..Lily still thinks she might be alive...but severely injured or something ...but we are with you ..don't worry...". Saying that he went.
I didn't like my mother much, she mostly kept stuffs to herself, she didn't even talk to me much, as if something was wrong with me..true I am dyslexic but I never liked how my mother behaved with me...there were nights which I spent without her..wondering who my father was..where did she go late at night..I didn't even get to eat properly..I mostly spent time sleeping and wandering in fields. But here I was, with Harry, ready to attend a school which Mr Potter termed as "special".

Next day,Harry and I  bid a farewell to Mr and Mrs Potter and we were off to Hogwarts.
"Harry! Blimey-" a red haired boy appeared, his face full of freckles. "Come! We have booked you a seat" . "Thanks Ron" said Harry.
"Oh, this is Percy, " he said pointing at me.
"Percy this is Ron, my friend."
I simply nodded and followed Harry to sit.
"Oi! No more seats, buddy! It's already full, terribly sorry, we never thought anyone would come with Harry. ", said Ron
To my amazement, Harry didn't even hear this part, he was too busy talking with the others sitting.
I felt a bit offended and walked further and came to a halt. On one of the compartments, a girl with blonde hair was sitting.
"May I sit ?" I asked.
She looked at me with her gray eyes and gave a stern look and said "I don't prefer boys sitting in front of me."
I was already frustrated at yesterday's news and the recent incident. So I went and sat beside her .
"Excuse me?" she asked.
"Excused. You never commented about your opinion about boys sitting beside you, did you?"
She began to speak but realised that I had done enough word damage to her. So she continued reading the book she was reading before I came in , muttering something under her breath, which pretty much felt like curses.
After one long hour, she suddenly said,
"Afternoon , Percy Jackson, I am Annabeth Chase, not nice meeting you."
" How do you --- know ---- my goddamn name!!"
" I prefer not telling boys everything"
"Look" , I said in a rather harsh tone.
" I don't care what the hell boys do or what you do to them... I just want to know HOW you know my name!!!"
" You didn't answer my question!"
" Oh, I didn't , did I " , she clearly liked seeing me taken aback with a tone of surprise and stupidity.
" Can you read minds!"
" Well, if that's the case, I would have told what are you looking forward to at Hogwarts and not your name."
" Fool , such a fool you are .."
" I am not a fool! I--- am ...I am just confused , that's that "
" Well", she took out a paper from beneath the Yankee cap she was wearing ." Have  a look"
And there it was:

List of Demi-Blood Wizards , year 1991:

1. Annabeth Chase

2. Leo Valdez

3. Jason Grace

4. Hazel Levesque

5.  Anil Dey

6. Piper McLean

7. Percy Jackson

"Where did you get this from?", I asked.
" Piper herself, her dad works in the Ministry of Magic ".
"So...this list is made by ministry of magic?"
"I dunno"
"So how did Piper get this list ?"
" Dunno"
"Why did she give this to you?"
" Oh, she's been giving it to everyone in the list , she has made several copies."
" How can she recognise the people?"
"Just by holding the paper up and asking if anyone's name is on it..."
" Where is she now!"
"Don't you think you are questioning too much?"
" Maybe , but I need to know..who does this identification of what...this Demi-Blood thing "
"It's not ancient thing, infact, Hogwarts has started this for 6 years as far as I know.."
"Go on"
" There are muggle-born witches and wizards, also there are half-bloods, pure-bloods, etc. "
" Meaning...?"
"Let me finish!"
" You said etc..."
She ignored.
" Half bloods meaning either one of your parents is a witch or wizard and pure bloods means both of them are, muggle borns,however have both parents as muggles-incapable of doing magic or sorcery."
"Definitely I am one of them.."
"You aren't ... Demi-Blood means ....dhhfjd"
" What?"
She spoke so fast I couldn't catch.
She whispered again " One of your parents is God".
My blue eyes met her gray and the paper she gave fell from my hand , out of the window and then out of sight .

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