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'How did this happen?'

Charlotte pondered over her thoughts, trying to recall what had happened earlier as she sat on the floor of a white void she's stuck in with no way out, whatsoever.


"Come on, Charlie!" The young brunette is calling for her 9 year old cousin as she looked at the 30 feet tall tree as it towers her small figure. Her gaze on the tree shifted when she felt a light tap on her shoulder, causing her to look back and see who's behind her and when she did she met a pair of golden eyes, which belong to the person she called for. Recognizing the female figure behind her, she gave a wide smile as she tugged on Charlotte's shirt.

"What is it Camelia?" Charlotte asked the child.

Camelia points her finger at the fresh apples growing from the tree, the older looks at the tree and back at her, raising a brow "And?" "Come on, you know what I mean!" the younger pouted her lips, earning a chuckle from her cousin.

"Okay okay"

Charlie understood what she meant, so she started climbing the tree to pick an apple for her, when she's still halfway near the apples, Camelia stopped her "Get the big one Charlie!" "But that's so high up" she sighed, but did as the girl said.

She gripped one of the tree's branches and pulled herself up, resting on it for a while. Charlotte stayed there for a few minutes before she started climbing again, she stretched out her arm, just a few inches away from the apple, she climbed up a bit and reached for it again, but just as she was about to reach the fruit, she heard something snap below her, it was the branch she stood on.

Charlie started falling off the tree, and landed head first on the ground. "A-are you ok?" the child asked, clearly worried, "I'm fine, Cam" she winced as she sat up, rubbing the back of her head, she looked at her hand and saw some thick red liquid cover it, soon enough she started to lose consciousness.

When the adults arrived, she was already passed out as Camelia weeped.

"What happened?" Charlotte's father asked "W-well...She fell of the tree.." She explained as she rubbed her eye.

They nod at her explanation and her father carried Charlotte to the car, followed by the others. They quickly drove to the nearest hospital and rushed inside, with Charlotte's unconscious figure in her father's arms. "How may I help yo-" a nurse asked, but stopped once she saw Charlie, and led the parents, along with, to a room, for Charlie to be examined.

After minutes of checking on her condition, the doctor stood from his seat and the nurse handed him a clipboard, "How is she Dr. Sallow?" Charlie's mother asked worried about her daughter, and she should be, since what he'll say, won't sound pleasant to her and the others in the room. The doctor looked at her with a uneasy expression "Due to the impact done to her head, your daughter, Charlie, is brought to a coma. I am unsure of whether she'll wake up or not, but other than that, she's fine."

This type of news caused her mother to sob, disheartened of what happened to Charlotte, along with the other adults, and Camelia, somehow aware of what a coma is, despite her young age, frowned and looked at her cousin.

"Please come back.." she mouthed to her.


'Why can't I remember anything but Camelia and my name?' Charlie was helpless, she's stuck in a void with no memory whatsoever, couldn't recall anything that had happened, she's not even aware she's just inside her mind, that this is all just a dream.

She kept thinking about it with her eyes closed, Charlie didn't bother looking around since there was nothing to see other than the color white. Charlotte is frustrated, she didn't stop till she felt something change, no she didn't remember anything. Her surroundings just felt different. She slowly opened her eyes, revealing that she's not at the void anymore, she's inside a cave of some sort.

Charlotte started walking around the cave, exploring it, till she heard footsteps behind her. She quickly shot her head behind her and saw someone. It was a boy, a pretty young one actually. He wore what a caver would, when he saw her, he immediately walked over to her, "Hello" "Hi..".

The boy had eagerness in voice when he talked to Charlotte, "What's your name?" He asks her, "Charlotte.." "That's a pretty name! Mine's William, wanna go look for Diamonds?".

'I don't think that's what a caver is supposed to do.." Charlotte thought as she stifled her laugh, and agreed to the boy's offer anyway.
They both spent countless hours looking till finally "I found it!" William shouted, earning the attention of Charlotte, who went to him, and saw two chunks of diamond resting on both his arms.

"Here" he handed her a diamond, which took Charlie by surprise.

"Well, I've got to go now." William waved to her as he ran at a random direction "Bye!".

A bright light suddenly showed, blinding Charlie for a while, and once the light was gone, and she opened her eyes, she was back in the void, though she still had the diamond in her arms.

Charlotte set it down on the floor and looked at her hands, and with one blink, poof! She found herself holding a pencil and notebook.

"Huh, that's weird.."

She slowly sat on the floor and held the pencil with the book on the floor, and there, she wrote  on it.

Day one

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2020 ⏰

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