Chapter 1

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It was a beautiful day at Paris, France and all was well or that's what they thought until "*BEEP, BEEP, BEEP* Get out of the way!!!" a boy riding a bike, who is in the age of 20s ruined the peaceful atmosphere "Hey, watch where you going!!!" "What the--?!" "Oh my goodness!!!" "I'm sorryyy!" the boy shouted, not even looking where he is going and the moment he looked in front of him, the moment things got out of hand.
A yelp was heard by the people, causing them to look where the sound came from and to their surprise they saw the boy earlier, who is now hovering a petite girl "I-I-I'm s-sor-ry, I di-didn't s-saw y-you" stated by the boy to the girl, then she chuckled "Its okay, as long as you get off of me" "R-right" after that a voice was heard
"Oh my goodness!, my dear are you okay?!" a woman around the age of 40s asked the girl "I'm fine miss, just a little bit shaken up but I'm good" then a sigh of relief was released by the people surrounding her, then they looked at the boy and glared at him "I-I re-real-lly am s-sorry" he muttered "You beter young man, all you always do is cause ruckes, don't you have any shame?" "Yeah, like what he said" "I-I re-really a-am s-sorry, I pro-promise t-that will ne-never hap-p-pen again" and with that said the boy already left.

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