Milking the 🐄

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"Hi again."


"Hi, sorry if we kept you waiting," I was planning on using Jessie as a way to get his name. Good thing she caught on," Amara, please introduce me," I wanted to smack her but before I could "he" spoke up.

"My bad, I'm Sebastian and that's a beautiful name Amara." Even the way he said my name was enchanting.

Does Josh say my name like that?

"Thank you," I smile back at him."Oh and this is Jessie," she waves at him and then says something about having forgotten something in the bathroom.

"As I was saying before," I interrupt him again, " it's fine you've already apologized enough." This is the exact moment Jessie decided to reappear, she mumbles just loud enough for him to hear," it's not like you stole her first kiss or anything." She says as she begins to study her nails.

His face becomes pale,"what?" She looks at him feigning innocence," oh me, nothing, it's just that *sneeze* that was her *cough*  first *clears throat* kiss."

"Wow, my throat is really scratchy," she says as she smirks at me.

I shake my head at him and laugh nervously, I mean it was just for a tiktok. Sure it was my first kiss but I'll get over it.

"She's crazy just ignore her, I'm totally okay with it, I mean kind of. You know what just forget about it. Not like you have some kind of lip disease," I cleared my throat as the hairs on my neck rose, "or something."

"No, I'm totally lip disease free. But please let me find a way to make it up to you."His beautiful beautiful eyes were basically begging me to accept his offer and Jessie was obviously thinking the same thing.

I just decided to give in,"alright." He looked relieved," thank you, I know that there is probably nothing I could do to take back what I've done but if you do decide on something," he grinned at us, and pulled out his phone, " you can let me know." He holds out his phone to me.

I quickly typed in my number, my fingers felt like they were on fire and I suddenly felt like my shirt was too tight, I was beginning to sweat, it felt like there were little toothpicks prickling all over my arms. Jessie noticed and took the phone out of my hand and handed it back to him before I could type my name or drop it. Whichever came first.

"Thank you, I'll text you later Amara,"he smacks his phone against his palm a couple of times before grinning.

I didn't really know what he was thanking me for but I nodded anyway and watched him take a few more steps backwards. He waved one more time and flashed us a smile. I'm pretty sure when he turned around Jessie clutched her heart and giggled.

She looked up at me and noticed that I still wasn't feeling so well so she rubbed my back and squeezed my hand three times,"are you okay?"

I nodded and she tried to distract me with some random talk about our shoes. I have no idea why I was freaking out but it just happened and I was fine now, right?


I thought we were off in search of the boys to get our well deserved icecreams until Jessie started walking us to another restroom.

Jessie asked me what happened but I didn't know how to explain it to her without sounding like a wimp, she was walking slowly on purpose. She's trying to give me time but I know it's odd to her because she and her dad are very fast walkers.

When things like this happen Jessie is always the first person that I try to talk to, I'm just so glad that she is here now.

I wasn't ready to see the boys yet.

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