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It's like super late so my spelling might be crap

Sherman's POV

"I'm sorry mr. Peabody.. I won't do it again.." I said I was really sorry..
"Your darn right you'll never do it again that violence was completely non sensical. And rather uncharacteristic considered about how you feel about mr. gondy.. what on earth provoked it?"

I sighed.. "she called me a dog.. and her sister told me to fight back.. so.."

Mr. Peabody raised his eyebrows I just looked at him "well... alright then..thank you for telling me.." he says putting my glasses away..  "try and get some sleep,"




"I love you mr Peabody.."

"I have a deep regard for you as well... Sherman.." he said closing the door and cutting out my light..I just thought of how I wouldn't have gotten out of her grasp unless Y/n didn't tell me to hurt her back ""BITE! SCRATCH! ANYTHING!!"" I repeated in my head.. and then I remembered how nice she was to me and I taught her things she didn't know she was like.. a little puppy..

Time skip brought to you by: beautiful boy

I sniffed something In the kitchen I went to check it out and boy did it look good!  "What's cooking mr, Peabody?"  "Oh nothing much just a little-" and then I tuned it out looking at the different food.. "wow is today some special day?" "You could say.."

"It's not my birthday.."
"It's not your birthday.."
"Right again!"
"It's not Father's Day.. IS IT?" I say panicking
"Nope it's not Father's Day"
"Is the president coming to dinner again?" I asked again
"So who's coming to dinner?" I asked
"Let's just say if the evening is a success we can put this whole biting thing behind us." Mr Peabody says

The elevator opened.. it was to adults penny.. and Y/n?!

Penny glared at me as I gasped and then I looked at Y/n.. she just smiled widely at me I think it was real.. a real.. smile..

"The Peterson's welcome!"
"So he's literally a dog" the man says  "Paul!" The woman says scolding him with the tone of her voice
"No that's alright..although I prefer literate dog."
"Ahaha that's funny! Isn't that funny Paul?"
"Meh." The man says giving an disgusted look
"Ehe.. he's not a big laugher.."
"We're so delighted you could make it on such short notice, aren't we Sherman.."
I didn't awnser
"Aren't we Sherman?" Mr. Peabody says looking at me
"Yeah we're interested in what's going on that's for sure.." I mumbled
"Say hello to penny and Y/n Sherman.."

"Hi penny.."
"Hello.. Sherman.."
"Hey Y/n!" I said waving fast
"Hey Friend!" She waved back

"Now why don't you show penny and Y/n your mineral collection Sherman.. I'm sure they'll find the geodes of yours facinating.." 
"Come on.." I said leading them to my room  penny sighed like this was her life now.. and Y/n she looked excited I looked at her reflection in the glass window  penny walked in ignored us and sat in my chair. Swiping her phone furiously while I was looking at my physics thingy, while Y/n looked with me "everything going swimmingly?" Mr. Peabody said.  "Ugh" Penny grunted  I walked over
"Why didn't you tell me PENNY. Was coming"
"Because i didn't want you to worry."
I growled
"Okay because I didn't want to listen to your bellying."
"THANK YOU. FOR YOUR hOnEsTy!!" I whisper shouted
"Your welcome.."
"I don't even know what we're supposed to do here anyway, she HATES me!" I whisper shout more..
"Share your intrests-"
"Mr. PEABODy. I HATE HER." I whispered
"Every relationship starts with some conflict and then grows to be something greater,"
He said something I didn't understand..
"Make it work." He whispered then opened the door again.
"don't tell her about the WABAC."
He slammed it for good this time  I turned opened my mouth and she said
"Don't, even. Think. About . It." I shut my mouth

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