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y/n was a quiet child, never misbehaving or acting out . she was kept secret from the other until
they had all left, except for luther. luther never left, pogo had to reason with sir Reginald, say that "it would be good,, for both of them"

and it was, luther and y/n got a long just fine. he'd always wait for her after training, they'd play bored-games or make cookies with mom. though- that changed after the "incident". they became more awkward around eachother.
Reginald found it best for them not to spend time with eachother anymore. shortly after the incident luther was sent to the moon. y/n never questioned it, i mean she was only nine at the time. all she knew was that he never returned her letters, but then again she never returned his.

y/n was very close with grace or as she called her "mom". she found that the robot was more human then the rest of the people in the household. grace would tuck her in and read her two chapters of whatever book they were reading at the time and kiss her forehead afterwards. it was almost routine for them. she'd try her best to spend time with her mother but Reginald always had other tasks for her.

y/n and pogo's relationship was a complicated one. one day they're almost like father and daughter and the next it's like complete strangers. it wasn't always like this though. lots of things changed after the incident. she felt as if she couldn't trust him anymore. pogo regrets his decision almost everyday.
out of all the the academy members he wrote about, he wrote about y/n the most.
he always worried for her, at times he saw as his own. always wishing it was different.

Reginald had great expectations for the child, he always knew she'd be great even if she couldn't see it herself. he'd often take her to the tree in the courtyard and talk to her about her abilities. sometimes he'd invite her to his office, just for company. pogo noticed a difference in him since the day her brought her home, even tho he'd deny it every time. 

y/n has never left the academy before- well one time she did but no one speaks of it- so she'd spend most of her days reading, training, or in her room. her room was her safe place. she had books, pictures (of places she'd want to visit some day), plants, and loads of stationary. she loved to read and write as an escape from her "awful" life. if she wasn't training you could find her in one of two places, her room, or ben's statue. now, she's never met any of the umbrella academy, her father never spoke of them unless it was training, frequently comparing her to them. the only reason she knows about them- other then luther- is because of vanya's autobiography. she'd read it frequently trying to learn more about the previous children.

now you're probably wondering "well if she never met any of the umbrella academy why does she go to bens statue?" and you're about to find out.

Reginald always saw emotions as a weakness and said you should never show it! "emotions stop a person from learning their full potential!" or something like that. but because of this reason he never let y/n show it. so when she felt sad or angry she'd often go to his statue, feeling a sense of safety and comfort there.


one crisp morning y/n felt an uneasy presents waking up. as she walked down the creaky hallways she ran into pogo, who had a sorrowful look on his face.
"pogo, what's wrong? did something happen?" y/n asked nervously
"miss i regret to inform you.."
"please go on."
"..but your father has died."
pogo said finally looking up from the floor. y/n held an expression unreadable if you didn't know her. one person might say horrified another sad. but the emotion she held was heartbreak. he may have been "strict" at times but this was still her father. she also dreaded the arrival of the academy siblings
"will they be coming?"
"i have informed luther, but with the others we can only hope." pogo said.

and with that it began...

how was i? ahh  i'd like to apologize if this is a bit wordy or "not good" grammar,, i'm not the best at writing and this is my first book so bare with me😔 i don't even no if "preface" is the correct word,, i just didn't know what to call this "chapter" .
but i hope you stay for more!


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2020 ⏰

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