Throne without Faith

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Chapter 4- Throne without faith

If you guys want to know who's POV this one is, it's mine, the narrative. For this storyline, I forgot to mention that Throk is as old as Hiccup.

Hiccup throat went dry. Something flashed in his eyes, perhaps it was fear? Sadness? Horror? "It's okay, I can go and get the antidote's recipe from Gothi," Valerie assured Hiccup. "You don't have to go there, but if I don't come back in ten moons, do come searching for me." Hiccup looked at his younger sister. She barely glanced at him and marched off to her hut.

~~Next Day~~

Valerie strapped her bag and climbed her night fury. Hiccup was looking after their sleeping friends, while their mother cleaned the marks off Jack's face. A terror mail was sent to their allies. Mala had sent Throk to accompany Valerie on her journey, Dagur had sent Heather to go with her too. The Wingmaidens were on high guard as the Dragoneye and its lenses were with them. Arendelle had some complications going on, Hiccup could only hope they were safe. Two days ago they heard that some strange wind had blown them all away. Valerie didn't believe it but stranger things had happened.

"So, Miss Haddock, have you been to Berk before?" Throk asked her in his regal manner. "No, but I have watched them closely enough for the past five years. And don't forget the pranks." Valerie sighed. Heather gave a sad smile. No matter what happened, you could still count on Valerie to be herself.

"Alright, you guys ready to go?" Hiccup asked his friends, as he handed Heather. She rummaged through the bag and saw some camouflage paint and at least six daggers.
"What's the paint for?" She asked.
"Why would we want to camouflage ourselves?"
"I hid sometimes that way from Snotlout and his muttonheaded cronies."
Valerie gripped her bag more tightly at the thought of her brother being bullied by somebody. That place disgusted her. She wasn't about to tell Hiccup that, but that place scared her.

She shook her head. She wasn't about to let those thoughts kill her friends. "Alright, let's go." uttering those words, she left her fears behind and climbed her dragon. Heather climbed Windshear, while Throk sat behind Val. they took off, as Hiccup watched out the main hut. He wanted to go with them, but they voted against it as they didn't want anyone recognising him.

During the flight, they joked, played and talked a lot.

Time skip brought to you by the death of Castiel.

It was nightfall when they landed. With night cloaking them they hid their dragons in the special cove Hiccup had told them about. Phase one complete. Throk starts a fire and Heather calmed her dragon. They sat down to rest and wait out the villagers, to go to sleep. Eclipse and Windshear. Val removed her notebook where the plan was written in four phases. She beckoned the others forward and went over their plans once more.

"Alright phase one, Arrive quietly complete. Initiate phase two. Get the ingredients and the recipe. Phase three send Heather and Throk with the antidote to the others will be done in the morning." Val instructs. "Wait, you said four phases. What's phase four?" asked Heather.

Val smirked. "Save the dragons here, and prank the hell out of berk. That will start now. After I get the antidote. Which Throk and I will do, Heather we need you as a getaway gal. Eclipse will stay here with you. Any questions?" they both shook their heads. "Okay cool, we shall be on our merry way." Throk grabbed his axe and took a few daggers with him. Val already had her retractable fire axe. They applied some black paint on themselves.

They snuck out and made their way to the tallest mountain. As they reached. Val was about to remove her climbing material, but Throk stopped her. He pointed towards the stairs, Val's annoyed look changed to a sheepish one. They climbed all the way to the top and were only starting to out of breath. It was just as Val had imagined it was. Small but cosy. But something seemed out of order. Stuff was splattered everywhere. She gave a small gasp. One word running through her mind when she saw Gothi. No. like no, no, no, no! This couldn't be happening.

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