Logarithms (c. March 27, 2018)

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I see complex logarithms,

Just like those dark labyrinths:

Always filled with mysteries,

Always surrounded by miseries.

Answers never clear;

X's, Y's, and logs only I hear.

Numbers, a constant fear,

Yet always my constant peer.

Yells of those ancient thinkers,

Whom gave us the answers to the universe.

Yet, they remain a complex remorse,

To people who fear worse.

Still I hear their calls,

Deep beneath my dark halls.

I fear it, the wrong answers.

Yet, they still are numbers.

The poem is not really one of the best the author has written with regards to non-romantic topics, as M. Asturias at that time was still developing his more complex writing "style" as seen in the English (and non-romantic French)  poems made in 2018, because he was going through things as mentioned in the footnote of The Last Regiment ; however, it would be Burning Light that would officially start his more complex delivery in (some of) his current English poems.  

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