childhood -3

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Hey guys how r u doing... I'm so happy reading ur response 💕 thank you

Let's start

Scene 1

Swara : dadi were is my gift

Dadi: I forgotten shona I'm sorry

Swara :( disappointed) it's ok dadi

Dadi : don't get sad beta when I bring gift for khushi for her bday na that time I will ur bday gift also ok

Swara ( smiling ): ok dadi luv u

Dadi ( smiles and pecks her cheeks ) : luv u too ..and happy Birthday to my dear grand daughter who has turned 5years this year

Swara : dadi only u wishes me on every bday why everyone doesn't wish me ..

Dadi face fell but covers it with a smiles and divert the topic

Dadi: u will go to school this year baby
U should be happy

Swara face shine listening word school

Swara : yeah I'm so happy I will also go school like anrav bhai

Dadi : ha now be happy and go play now go

Swara goes from there


Scene 2 

Swara started go to school and she was so happy .. she even made two friends  ragini and laksh .. they both were so sweet to swara

Next month on Khushi bday

Swara runs to khushi

Swara : happy Birthday khushi see I bought a choco for u take it

Khushi take it and throws it

Khushi : u r a bad girl I don't want ur bday wishes ok shomi aunty said to be away from u ..

Khushi runs away from there

Swara start crying 😭...she runs from there and go to her room and start crying and slept like that on bed


Swara comes down and sees that whole house was decorated

She was smiling seeing beautiful decoration and runs to dadi

Swara : what happened dadi why is house decorated like this

Dadi : we have thrown a bday party

Swara : then why no one celebrated my bday like this

Dadi feels so bad for the baby

Swara : I know cause khushi is special for u guys na

Dadi had tears in her eyes listening this. They r showing discrimination between two kids

PAINFULL LIFE - SwaSan ffWhere stories live. Discover now