Chapter 10: A hard confession

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 Edward's P.O.V.

 The rest of the day passed by fast and soon it was lunch time. I had talked to Elizabeth's siblings if she was even Elizabeth. They all have different personality. The girl, Adriana was just like Alice with the bubbly and fun personality. The boys were a whole different thing. William, the eldest from what I heard is the quiet one. Adam, the second eldest is the responsible but cool one. The youngest one, Adrian is just like Emmett, unresponsible, funny and naughty.

 I walked into the lunch room with my family. Alice and Rosalie were talking among each other while we guys just trail behind. We walked over to the line and got our prop. After getting our prop we went over to our usual table and sat down. I saw Adriana, Adrian and Adam walking towards us.

 "Mind if we sit with you?" Adriana asked.

 "No. Not at all." I said and they all sat down.

 "Where's William?" Alice asked. I tried to read their minds but just like when I tried to read Bella's mind. It's like I hit a brick wall or barrier.

 "Oh he went home to see if mo..Eliza is alright." she said. Did she almost say mom just now?

 'Edward, did you heard her almost say mom?' Alice thought to me. I nodded my head and narrowed my eyes at Adriana. I just thought of how William was similiar to Gabriel. William has brown hair and green eyes just like Gabriel. I gasped and stood up. Everyone turned and looked at me.

 "What's wrong Edward?" Rosalie asked.

 "My son. My wife." I whispered to them. Adriana and her sibings looked panic the moment I said that.

 "What do you mean, Edward?" Alice asked getting worried.

 "Don't you get it, Alice. Compare the similarities of Gabriel with William." I told her.

 "Oh my god. They both have the same eye and hair colors." she gasped. Adriana looked like she was thinking of running away quickly with her siblings.

 "Don't you dare think of running." I growled at her. She looked scared from my growl.

 "Edward, you're scaring them. Adriana, I want you to tell me everything about William and Elizabeth." Alice said.

 "I'm so sorry. I can't. If I tell you mom's going to kill me. I promised her." she started crying.

 "I promised you this too. Your mom won't hurt you. I just want to know Elizabeth and William more." Alice said again conforting her.

 "I have to go. Guys get up now." Adriana said and stood up. Her brothers stood up after her and they walked away. I have to follow them.

 "Go Edward before it's too late." Alice said to me. I followed them out to the car park but they stopped. All of them turned around and faced me.

 "Please Edward. Stop following us or you won't see us again." Adrian said. I stopped and they continued to walk over to their car. I walked back into the lunch room just as the bell rang. Alice ran up to me after dumping mine and her tray.

 "Why did you come back? I told you to follow them." She said in a rush.

 "They treathen me. They said that if I keep on following them I won't get to see any one of them anymore and I can't risk that." I said.

 "Well I can't risk losing Bella and Gabriel again. We'll have to go now." Alice said and took our hands. We all got into my Volvo and drove home first. I drove into the garage and everyone ran out into living room.

 "We'll have follow their scent or maybe we can go check Bella's old house. That was the only house Bella has here. Emmett and Rosalie, I need you two to search the forest for Bella's scent or either one of the others. Jasper, Edward and I will head over to Bella's house. Let's go and find my sister." Alice said and ran off. We all followed behind but until a part of the forest Emmett and Rosalie went the other ways.

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