Chapter One

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I was scared. Walking up to this huge shining screen with the only comfort being my best friend Crystal whom soon I was to part with. I knew I was done with this life, I was done being excluded I was done being lonely and having everyone leave me either by death or popularity. 

The room was dark there was no sound except for Crystal and I's steps. The only thing we could see was a small light which was the screen that would take me away. I know where I'm going. The place where every misunderstood teen goes. The Community. I know that it is a place where I will meet people who accept me perhaps even find true love. I know so many stories of kids and teens who went there and I have heard all the tales. People make it out to be a place that takes their children, but to me it's where everyone wants to go. Why would so many kids disappear to there is it wasn't amazing?  "Maybe because they didn't know what they were in for".. I can just hear Crystals thoughts ringing in my head because I know that she doesn't want me to go because she will miss me and she thinks that it's a bad idea. She won't miss me too much, at least have verbal contact with her.."We're here". I was so lost in my thoughts that when Crystal spoke I just heard white noise. Right then we felt a gust of wind sweep us off our feet we held on to each other for dear life. We closed our eyes and whispered sweet words to each other as if it would be our last words. All of a sudden. Nothing. Everything stopped. No wind, no movement nothing we just sat still hugging each other when I opened my eyes and I saw the sky. It was no regular sky it was many shades of purple and the floor we were sitting on was carpet as if we were in my own bedroom except the whole sky was visible. I was so confused. I thought I was going to the Community. Suddenly it goes dark although I can still see the lining of everything visible in my room. Crystal looks just as confused as me. We see calibri text written on my walls.. "Hello, I understand you want to join the Community. We are so happy that you want to come! All we need is your name and a username that strangers will refer to you by" I was so happy, I couldn't stop smiling. Suddenly a keyboard appeared in front of me and the text now changed to, "Enter your first and last name"I typed out fast: Maisy Delores...."How old are you? Anyone under 10 cannot enter"...16...."What will strangers refer to you by"....comunity.maisy123...."When is your birthday?"....July 6...."Do you accept our terms and conditions?" I didn't even read them I just pressed agree..."Finally what is your password for when you want to leave? Once you press enter there is no going back unless you speak to the boss after 30 days of being here".....I looked at Crystal she was teary eyed wiping her wet eyes onto her sweater. "I don't want you to go Maisy, we have been best friends since middle school and your happy to leave me just like that?"

"Crystal it's going to be okay, we can always talk on the phone or you can join"

"I don't think I'll ever join, but if this is really what you want I guess I just need to support you."

"Thank you....It means so much to me"

"I love you"

"I love you too"

I finished setting my password, pressed the enter button and closed my eyes. I could hear in the background Crystal's voice as she was crying and I was being lifted up into the purple sky. Everything went black then I fell unconscious. 

I woke up and I was in a haze I had no idea where I was. Maybe a park? I was definitely lying on some grass. Someone then came up to me and asked if I wanted to see her music that she was working on. I had never talked to strangers before.."Hey community.maisy123 how are you! My name is Ash:) Do you wanna take a look at my music?" Internally I was screaming. Why does she want to show me her music. Does she want to murder me? And what no one told me is that everyone here, you can't see their face. I just ran away as fast as I possibly could I was terrified until I found an abandoned house called "Angels House" And without thinking I just ran inside. I was still confused about how I couldn't see anyones real face. I can see some of their features such as hair colour or potential hair colour and skin colour but their eyes? No all I can see a black bar that hides their eyes. Could they see my eyes? I don't think so.. Every feature that I can see on them is fake its all as if there were animated.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2020 ⏰

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