~Jayden's pov~
I was sleeping when I woke up hyperventilating. "You okay?" My friend Ivy asked.I just had another flashback. "Yeah, just another flashback." I said running my hands through my hair.
I went to the kitchen and grabbed a bowl. I got the cereal Krave and sat down at the table. Ivy sat down next to me.
Ivy and I live together in the little beach house. We renovated it so it has a beach house feel. The previous owners had tile floors so we replaced them with wood.
Sierra was a nice town all together. I have only been here for about a year and I work at a Auto shop down the road.
"I need to find another job." I said quietly eating my cereal. I was barely getting by as of now. I don't want to live in the fear of me not being able to pay the next rent.
"You should try..." Ivy said thinking of something. "Art!" She finished. "I mean you don't have to be great." she suggested.
"I don't really like art. I don't want to hate my job."
"Okay, what if you did music." she tried. That's not a bad idea. I'm a decent singer and I can play the guitar. There was a recoding studio a couple miles from here.
I used to sing at bard, cafés, and places like that. I stuck to little gigs, not really trying to make it big.
I went to my room and sat on my bed. Was I really sure on doing this. I laid down closing my eyes. I thought long and hard and decided that I need money so this is the way to do it.
I got dressed into a Nirvana shirt and a pair of jeans. I grabbed my pair of combat boots and went to my car. I turned the car on and went more towards town.
I looked on my phone where the nearest studio was. "So I just make a left and I'm there." I said letting out a breath.
I got a text from Ivy, "Go get em tiger." I chuckled at her text and put my phone in my bag.
I went to the front desk and asked them if I could get in with a producer. "You need an appointment miss." the snobby man said."Please I'm begging you." I said. "No please leave." the man finished.
I left and looked back on my phone. The second nearest studio was a couple minutes away. I called the place before hand and scheduled an appointment for tomorrow at 11:00 a.m.
I drove back home and barely got through the front door before I was stopped. "How did it go!" Ivy said jumping up and down.
I love her to death but damn she needs to chill. "I have to go back tomorrow. I needed an appointment." I said imitating the snobby man.
"So what should we do for the rest of the day." Ivy asked. By this time, it was already 3 in the afternoon. "Shopping?" I asked.
"You know I'm always up for shopping."
I'll admit, we were on the low end of our money, but everyone needs a good shopping day every now and then.
Ivy dragged me into Hollister. "We need to find a cute outfit for the big day tomorrow." Ivy said with a huge smile.
Ivy was my best friend. We met kinda in the same way I met Justin. She came to me for help because she was abandoned. Her family died in a car accident while she was all alone.
I let her stay here and we became best friends. She had dark brown hair and chocolate brown eyes. She was curvy and had a nice body figure.
She was also the nicest person I have met. She has supported me on all my decisions I make. My family never did and I needed to find that in a person.
"What about this?" Ivy said snapping me out of my thoughts. She was holding a cute top and I liked it. "It's really cute." I said giving her a thumbs up.
I picked out a pair of ripped legging and a cute black and white shrug. I had perfect shoes that would match it at home.
Our total was $57.89 for just those three things. "We should get going soon." I suggested. "Yeah I think so." She said with wide eyes.
We usually don't spend a decent amount of money on clothes. We stick going to places like Target and Kohls. We paid and got the hell out of that place.
We left the mall and went home. I cooked dinner for the both of us consisting of pasta with sauce and chicken.
Ivy set the table and I put the plates on the places set. As we ate Ivy said, "Do you want me to come with you. I want to help support you." she said still paying attention to her food.
"Yeah that would be great." I said with a mouthful of food. We finished eating and put the dishes in the sink. Ivy washed the dishes since I cooked and I sat on the couch turning the television on.
American Horror Story came on and I watched it. Ivy joined me after she finished the dishes. Season 3 was almost over. We were on the episode when the witches were testing to see if they were the supreme.
I fell asleep half way through the episode and Ivy woke me up. "You need to get to bed you have a big day tomorrow." she said giving me a hug. "Godnight." she said and stayed in the living room.
I changed into pajamas and plugged my phone in. I washed my face and brushed my teeth then jumped into bed. I fell asleep after a while of thoughts roaming around my head.
Hey! I hope your enjoying the story so far and trust me, it will get better. Love you all!

Run ➳ Luke Hemmings
FanfictionJayden is just a girl trying to forget her rough past. After she was in an abusive relationship, she doesn't think she will find love again. She ends up in Sierra, California, a little town along the coast of the Pacific Ocean. She branches out to...