Chapter 2

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*~Joey's POV~*

Joey: "please...leave me alone"
???: "Hey haha why don't we scar him up a little bit?"
?: "shut the f**k up and hand me the Damn knife."
??; "oh I know why don't we cut his gay emo hair off"

"No please I'll do anything!" I screamed at them.

??:" why don't you start by shutting up"

"No stop help me!" I screamed as I tried to wiggle away from them. I felt the knife slash me in between my eye and my ear. I could feel the blood stream as they all laughed around me.

??: "see you later Joey" they snickered as they walked away from me. I laid there feeling life less, and all of a sudden *beep beep beep*

   I rolled over in bed to my alarm clock. I pounded the snooze button

"School.." I sighed to myself.

I crawled out of bed and into the bathroom to brush my hair, this long messy hair of mine. I comb through it and grab the hair spray, trying so hard to cover the big scar on my right temple. Standing there looking at my self for the longest time in the mirror remembering that encounter.

"Joey breakfast is ready!" My mom called up to me.

"Ok be there in a sec" I huffed as I shoved book's, binders and paper into my backpack not caring if it was unorganized. I walked down the stairs to my mom who was helping my little sister Nicole make her lunch. I grabbed some toast and was ready to head to the bus stop.

"Joey..." my mom stopped me at the doorway "please try to have a good day" she weakly smiled and hugged me "I love you Joe Joe" she said in my ear. I didn't say it back I felt like I couldn't say it something in me wanted to but the only thing that came out as she let go was

"See you later".

"Bye" she waved as I strolled down the side walk. I walked to my friend leslyes house given she was two blocks down from me. She is the only one that know about me being gay, my mom being an alcoholic and that my Dad left when I was 8. I stopped in front of her mailbox and didn't have to wait long for her to come walking out.

"Hey Joey" she sighed deeply as she grabbed my arm.

"Hey, what's up?" I questioned.

"Nothing, my parents got into another fight again..." she looked down "do you mind if I come over after school today Joey?"

"Of course not, you stay as long as you want" I told her.

"Thanks" she whispered as we stood by the stop sign waiting for our fairy to hell... I mean this god awful thing we call a bus it's more like a zoo on wheels.

The bus pulled in, I saw the Devil himself Mr.Gramm he's! Wait no bad language ... THE WORST PERSON EVER.
"Well look what we got's the gay boy and slut lesbian or wait the dynamic duo." He laughed as we stepped on.

"Hey listen! That's my friend and he could be gay, trans, bisexual or whatever you can't say things like that to us and I'm not a lesbian!" Leslye raised her voice at him.

"What will you do about it little miss?" Mr.Gramm asked sarcastically. leslye said nothing

"yeah that's what I thought now go take your seat" he glared at her. That was the first time in two years leslye ever tried to sick up for me I was surprised cause she's not the kind of person who'd talk back . We sat down and I could see leslye start to tear up, I took off her glasses so she could clean them I looked at her innocent face and wondered if I deserve a friend like her.

"It'll be alright..." I whispered to myself

I'm Joseph Michael Graceffa

And this is the way my life is ...for now

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