(5) Atua's Cult vs. Panta's Cult

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video not mine but it's one of my favorite videos ever, spoilers for v3 chapter 3 and slight spoilers for v3 chapter 4

You know how I made rantaro suffer last time? kokichi's turn!

Angie Yonaga: Atua congratulates Kaede on winning! uwu

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Pantalord: Atua? Panta is better >:(

Angie Yonaga: Atua does not agree! >:(

Angie Yonaga: Atua-damned idiot, Atua is going to take an angry nap!

Pantalord: Yay, now no Atua to distract me from panta!

Pantalord changed Angie Yonaga's name to Atualord.

Pantalord: Who would like to BE IN PANTA's cult?

SHUMAI~: Well, I prefer panta over atua so...

Atualord: Hey, remember the uwu's atua got in chapter 3? uwu

Pantalord: FUck, she's back

SHUMAI~: Uh yeah?

Atualord: Weeeell, you will get one of those if you join Atua's cult! Nyahaha!!!!!!!!

SHUMAI~: Well, I do love uwu's...

Pantalord: Excuse me what the fawk?????////

SHUMAI~: But I'll stick with pants.

SHUMAI~: *panta

Pantalord: YAY!

Pantalord changed SHUMAI~'s name to Panta Shumai

Panta Shumai: fuck

Panta Shumai: can my name not be cchanged

Atualord: Atua changes names to something they want!

Panta Shumai: Sorry, kokichi, but this is a deal I can't take up.

Panta Shumai: can my name be emodetective please

Atualord changed Panta Shumai's name to emodetective please

emodetective please: Not what I was looking for, but good enough


Pantalord: quote the atua fucker, panta is going to take an angry nap!

Pantalord: me too!

Pantalord: yes a pool of panta

Pantalord: itttttts's a lie

Pantalord: panta's hot ok

emodetective please: is kokichi sleep talking 

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PeelTheAvocado: Time to do what I wasn't meant to do

PeelTheAvocado screenshotted the chat. (pretend this is a feature on the app they're using ok)

emodetective please: Oh my gosh revenge

Pantalord: rbots have fucking dicsk i knew it

Pantalord: what if atua is better than panta/

Atualord: *surprised atua face*

Pantalord: i kinda want uwus but robot dicks are better right

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