kuroo x bokuto

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Kuroo would finally finish volleyball he was on the way to the park full of lilac an beautiful cherry blossom and sakura trees
Bokuto and kuroo were going to hangout little did they know their hangout was going to be more than just a hangout
Kuroo would sit down at the large cherry blossom tree waiting for bo

Bokuto had been running a little late that crazy owl~ he was running then he finally made it with only 5 minutes late.. he walked over to see him "Hey Hey Hey! Kuroo bro whats up!?"

"Oh hey~ Ran late I see?" He grinned teasingly messing around

"Ahhh~~ Sorry" he rubbed the back of his neck "I was helping to clean the gym after-"

''It's okay~ I was just messing with ya~" he chuckled patting his hand next to him "Sit-"

Bo nodded sitting down leaning back on the tree "ah..Its such a beautiful day~" Flower petals fell from the trees with a sweet lilac smell

"Yeah it is..quite romantic as well" kuroo slid off his blazer it being a little warm

"True~ Man..love..what a weird thing eh?'' Bo smiled softly looking above him

Kuroo nodded then chuckled"yeaaah~ ya have anyone in mind?"

"Mabye..honestly even just a kiss from a homie would make me happy ya know..?" Bokuto deeply chuckled

Kuroo smirked "kiss from a homie eh?"

"Yeahhh- it's not weird or like... 'gay' right?" Bo asked

"No no.. It's cool yeah I get it" he nodded

"Even if It was a Quick kiss.. any type would be dope.." he laughed a bit

Kuroo would then grin "I'm your homie right? Sha'll we then"

"Wait..ya serious bro?" He blinked

"Yeah-" Tetsurou leaned in slowly planting a kiss onto bokutos lips
Yeah he was shy about it but He kissed the owl anyway

Bokutos eyes widend at the others sudden action.. he tried calming down closing his eyes slowly holding kuroo's cheeks..
The lilacs and flower petals seemed to smell sweeter

Kuroo turned his head to make this kiss deeper "Mh-"

Bokuto slid his hands through kuroos soft hair playing with the ends

The rooster would bite down at kotaros bottom lip for an Entrance into his mouth

Bo slowly opened his mouth as kuroo pushed in his tongue inside with a soft smirk

Kuroo played and messed around with bo's tongue swirling his tongue around the others muscle

Bokuto would groan a bit kissing kuroo back..though he took over by dominating him grabbing ahold of his tongue sucking at it

This kiss had went on for another minute before kuroo pulled away with a thin strand of saliva connecting thier tongues
Bo and kuroo were breathing heavily after the long french kiss

"Bro that was good~" bo chimed

"Certainly was man~" they chuckled then started to talk again

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