0; The hook up and after - thought [Prologue]

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[ I'll add the description here too because I can. ]

" Which one of us do you like better? " Hajoon took a step towards Daewon, making him take a step back in an effort to get away from him.

" Me, " Korain also began to step towards Daewon as well, " or Hajoon? "

" Uh... " Daewon walked backwards still, his back hitting the concrete wall. " It's, uh... "

" Better with three? "


Beom Daewon is a nineteen year old college graduate who majors in literature. Meaning, that he is an author and avid book enthusiast. Which also meant, that he would rather be inside or reading. Or both. When he finally decides to go out and do something instead of staying inside and either reading or writing book ideas, he meets two people. Ryeom Hajoon and Ryeom Korain.

Ryeom Hajoon and Ryeom Korain are fraternal twin brothers, who also happen to be the heads of their mafia. They rule over their mafia together, and do not take anything lightly. When Daewon gets caught in the cross fire of a dealing gone wrong, the brothers take a liking to him. Finding his instant snap backs and the instant regret when he's pinned to something adorable, funny, etc, Korain and Hajoon decide that they cannot let Beom Daewon out of their lives, no matter what it causes them. He didn't think that he would ever get involved with people like Ryeom Hajoon and Ryeom Korain, he thought that he was going to become a famous author.


Ah, making another book! If there's anything off, let me know.

- Tegu/Essien.


Daewon zipped up his pants after he drunkenly washed his hands, exiting the small bathroom of the house he was in. Stumbling down the hall in combat boots that you've never worn before is not a good way to spend a Sunday night. He gripped the sides of the walls as he walked through the hall, back to the main party. A pounding head ache came, and it came in hard. His entire body felt like it was hurting in more than one way.

" This is soo f-f-fu-f-u-n. " Daewon coughed, his hands smacking against the wall as he finally made it out of the hall.

His brown eyes surveyed the people who were facing with drinks in hand, Daewon wishing to get back into it, but his head told him to sit the hell down. So, he chose to slowly slump against the nearest wall he could find that was not occupied. Daewon began to slide down the wall, until he was sitting with his legs stretched out infront of him. His head was thanking him by pounding even harder while he tried to calm his drunken form down. His eye sight was sort of blurry by this point in the night, all of the alchohol getting to him now. Daewon should not have drank this much at this party. He really should not have.

As his head pounded against his skull, two pairs of legs paused infront of him. The legs slowly, bent and morphed into, something else? Daewon could not make out what these things were, but they also seemed to be shaky as well.

Two equally drunk guys sat infront of Daewon, complaining of their own headaches as they also seemed to be in pain. When they stopped complaining of their headaches, they asked Daewon how he was feeling. His answer, isn't the best, but, isn't, bad?

" I have a head ache and I'm horny. " Daewon groaned again, rubbing his head because if his own headache.

" You know, " One of the guys took a turn to hiccup from being drunk, " we can help with, i-it. "

" Yeah, " The other guy commented, slurring his words heavily, " We can, heeeeeelp. "

Daewon, by this point, would do anything to make his head ache go away, so he took their help with open arms.


He woke up with a great pain in his head, it pushing and kicking against his head. The headache felt so bad that if he moved, he would make it worse than it already is. Daewon felt around his be- wait. He blinked after touching something that felt like hair. When he finally decided to open his eyes, he saw the face of an attractive man l, and his hand, was in this man's hair. The rustling of things around his back made Daewon hold his breath as he turned his head the other way. There was another man, equally as handsome as the first one, with an arm around his waist. Then, this is when he finally took in his surroundings.

Daewon's body is covered in bruises, a few hand marks, and a lot of hickey's. His mind instantly went to the question that he so desperately wanted to know. Did they... do it? He pulled the edge of the blanket up, then threw it back down as his face reddened. They were all naked, so they indeed were naked, and they indeed did the deed last night. Daewon then slithered his way out of their arms, shoving spare pillows that sat on a small couch between the two strangers that he had drunkenly hooked up with. His next move was to find his clothes and his glasses. He couldn't really see too good without them.

He saw the shape of them on a nightstand, and went to grab them. As he slid them on his face, he soon found his underwear. He put them on, and soon found the rest of his clothes, putting them on as he found them. Once he got the laces of his shoes tied, he grabbed his wallet off of the floor, his phone still miraculously in his back pocket of his pants. He couldn't find his belt, so he hoped that it would be okay if he, kinda, stole, one of their belts to wear. He grabbed one, putting through the loops of his pants and buckling it to fit himself. As he made his way to the door of this, overall high class bedroom he had a hookup in, the bed creaked and moved. Daewon paused in his tracks as one of the guys was moving around, like he was going to wake up. Daewon then quickly pulled open the door and closed it behind him a little too loudly as he ran for an exit.

Daewon made it out to another hall, and saw a set of stairs off to the right. He quickly made his way to those stairs, going down them like his life depended on it. Daewon's feet sort of thundered down the stairs as he went down them. He couldn't be worried about the noise he was making at the moment. He needed to leave quickly. It felt like those two guys were going to find him at any second.

Once going down those stairs, he was in an even narrower hall way than before. Daewon race walked down the hall, finding the exit he was desperately searching for. A door. At the end of the hall. That lead to the side of the house he was in. Daewon opened that door, closing it behind him as he left the house. He walked around the side of it, seeing no one there. He was finally out, and could get to home now. Well, his little apartment that he calls home.

As he walked out to the sidewalk, his mind was filled with random thoughts. What if he left something in that house? He can't go back for it, obviously, or he will certainly be caught. What if those guys already know him from somewhere? Then if they do know him from somewhere, they might be able to find him at a later date. Would he be okay? Daewon had kind of ignored this before, but his back is in great pain. Especially his, behind. So they definitely have done it now. There is the confirmation that, it really did happen...

This is going to be interesting to deal with as the time passes.


Ahem. This is going to be an interesting book, and I do hope that it does well. Idk what else to say, so I'm just goinf to go now.

- Tegu/Essien.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2020 ⏰

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