Why would you cheat

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Morticia. It was all he could think about. His beautiful, loving, perfect wife. He couldn't believe what he had done. He thought back to earlier that hour.

“MORTICIA, HOW COULD YOU EVEN THINK OF CHEATING ON ME WITH THAT LOWDOWN SCOUNDREL,” Gomez said, fighting back tears. Morticia was crying at that point. How could she! She shouldn't be crying not after she cheated on me with Vlad! He overheard Vlad talking to his friends about it earlier that day. She gave herself to Vlad. After all the love I had shown her, I still love her. I love her more than life itself. I threw a vase in her general direction and heard an ear splitting scream as the vase hit Morticia and then it abruptly stopped. I recognized the scream as Morticia. No, I didn't mean to hit her. No. No. NO. I CAN’T BELIEVE I DID THAT. I HURT MY PRECIOUS QUEDIERA . I ran over to her and grabbed her in my arms and rocked her back and forth. Why had I thrown that vase? Why didn’t I believe her when she said she hadn't cheated on me. She never lied to me before. I should have trusted her.
A few hours later...
Morticia slowly opens her eyes and instantly snaps them shut when a splitting pain goes through her head. She opens her eyes slightly to look around and sees the slumping form of her husband, Gomez. When he notices her awake a few minutes later he moves from his chair and places a hand on hers and the other gently caressing her face,  “I’m so, so sorry cara bella. I should have believed you. I didn't mean for the vase to hit you i meant it to hit the wall I’m so sorry. I love you so much. I wish for you to forgive me but, I know you shouldn't,” he said through tears that were now cascading down his face. Morticia takes her free hand and wipes away Gomez’s tears and rests her hand on his cheek and he leans his head into it slightly. “I know you didn’t mean to hit me with the vase and I forgive you mon amour” she said. “Tish! That's french!” Gomez exclaimed and kissed her passionately, getting a giggle out of morticia in response. “Gomez, I do believe you should get to bed. It is quite late and I’m exhausted and my head is pounding. Plus you know I can’t sleep without by my side and you look exhausted”, Morticia said stifling a yawn. As Gomez climbed into bed she whispered in his ear “I like that you get jealous, it's quite endearing .” Gomez chuckled and wrapped his arm around Morticia's waist as she rested her head on his chest and quickly fell asleep. Gomez kissed the top of her head before letting sleep claim him.


Sorry for a short chapter!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2020 ⏰

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