Synopsis before the Northern Water Tribe

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Katara convinces Sokka to stop by Omashu. Momo tries to steal some fruit on a stand, and as the group is running away, they get caught up in the delivery system, and destroy the cabbage cart. Bumi puts Katara through the same trials as Aang. Bumi asks Katara if she knows his name, but she tells him she doesn't.

"That's okay," Bumi says. "I doubt I'd remember anyone from my past life, but you'll just have to watch out for me in my next one!" Bumi laughs.
They fly off and help Haru with his father. Katara learns a little bit of earthbending from Haru, and helps Haru free the old man from the mine. They are taken together. Katara inspires the people to fight. Zuko finds Katara's necklace.

Sokka and Katara are in a sea port, and Sokka buys the bison whistle. Katara does not steal the water bending scroll. Zuko finds out that the Avatar was here in the port, and hires the pirates to help him capture the Avatar.

Momo flies and lands on top of Sokka, frantically beating at Sokka's chest  bouncing up and down.

"Momo," Sokka groans, sitting up and rubbing his eyes.

"What's wrong?" Katara says in a sleepy haze, rolling over to look at her brother.

"No idea," Sokka sighs as the lemur continues to chatter nervously. The two siblings hear footsteps approaching, and they shoot out of their bed rolls.

Just as they stand up, smoke goes up around them, and they're blinded.
Katara sees figures moving in the haze. A knife flies past her. Men shout. Everything moves so quickly, Katara has barely any time to react. Weapons clash. Sokka cries out. Katara calls out for Sokka, but she can't find him in the haze. Her chest tightens, unsure of what to do, not knowing what was even happening. Figures gather around Katara, and she takes water from the nearby stream, readying herself for a fight. She manages to snap the water at some of the men, and freezes others in place. But no matter how hard she fights, more figures keep appearing in the haze. Katara is able to make out some of the men, and she recognizes them as the pirates from the port. A hand reaches out from behind Katara and grabs her wrist, pulling her backwards.

"I'll save you from the pirates," a husky voice says into Katara's ear, as an arm wraps around her waist. Katara turns her head to see Zuko staring down at her. He drags her out of the smoke cloud to where the other men are standing. Sokka stands between two of the pirates, his hands bound behind his back, and Appa is tucked away under a net. This is bad.

"We helped you capture the girl and her brother, now pay up," growls the captain.

"Do you know who she is?" Sokka asks, nodding his head towards Katara.

"Be quiet," barks one of the men, pushing Sokka with the hilt of his sword.

"I'm just saying that the Prince over there better be paying a good price for the Avatar."

"The Avatar?" Katara feels Zuko's grip tighten, and he pulls her close against him. A blush spreads across Katara's cheeks from the close contact, the tingling on the back of her neck, the heat from his body. This is Zuko! Katara mentally chides herself for whatever her body may be feeling. She tries to break away, but fails to escape.

"Can you imagine how much the Fire Lord would pay for her?"

"Sokka, what are you doing?" Katara asks her brother, thinking that they're only going to be getting into more trouble.

"It'll probably be at least five times more than what he's paying you."

"Men," the captain begins, and all his men advance towards the firebenders. Smoke fills the air, and all that can be heard is the clashing of swords and shouting of men. Zuko pulls Katara with him to the ground, and they roll away from where they once stood. A spear juts out at Katara, and it would have stabbed her if Zuko hadn't jerked her out of the way. He holds Katara with one arm while deflecting attacks with the other. While Zuko is distracted with an attack, Katara breaks free, and runs deeper into the cloud of smoke. She dodges lone spears and swords that randomly stab at her as she runs blindly, trying to get out, trying to get away from the fighting. Pain runs through Katara's body, and her leg begins to throb. Katara looks down and sees a small throwing knife in her leg. She's been stabbed. She continues to limp away, but with each step, a new jolt of pain shoots through Katara's leg. Her jaw clenches, not wanting to cry out and let Zuko or anyone find her. Eventually Katara escapes the smoke cloud, and she sees Sokka freeing Appa from the net. He turns around, and sees Kaatara limping. His eyes dart down and notice the knife stuck in her leg. He freezes. No.

Katara: The World's Lost HopeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang