The Consciousness

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In death there is confusion about the conscious of a person. Our conscious is a persons mind working with body.
Without a conscious, we can not work our bodies leaving us in a sort of sleep, however this does not mean a person can not live, some bodily functions still work while unconscious, Most unconscious people can hear and remember things after they wake up meaning the conscious isn't directly connected with the brain. The consciousness is just electronic impulses, after death there no longer active in the brain but that does not mean it no longer exists. The impulses change there erergy type, which I believe is our consciousness moving to the after life.
Using our own conscious is, we see our afterlife our own way, if you believe in hell, you will see your hell, if you believe heaven, you will see your heaven, what ever you believe is what you will see. In death you are not alone, your consciousness joins all others that have died, creating a hive mind of all the energy, possibly all the knowledge of our successors are within the hivemind.
Death would be wonderful, no matter how you see it, it will be your personal paradise.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2020 ⏰

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