Chapter 2 - New To Me

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Amity POV

I just had a conversation with a human. Today has been great.

I didn't go back immediately. I just sort of ... stayed there, doubting what I just heard. There was something about the human's tone that was different, different from anything I've ever heard. My parents never spoke like that, my siblings never spoke like that, and my friends definitely never spoke like that. Was that sincerity I heard from her words? Suffice to say, I hope so.

I looked down at my hands. That weird little chain thing I had found earlier was still there. I forgot I had picked it up. I fiddled around with it a bit. It had a hinge on one side, so it looked like there was something inside. I opened it and saw ... a picture. A picture of that human and someone else that looked vaguely like her. The skin tones, the face, the hair color, all the same. They were both smiling. The human I saw was below, with the other one's arms folded across her shoulders. The human on top rested her head on the bottom human's. The one on the bottom was wearing something on her face - it looked like glasses? I remember Willow wears something similar.

I stared at it a bit more, not caring about how close I was to the shore. Once again, all I could glean from it was that sincerity she seemed to douse herself with. It feels ... good, I suppose, to know that such sincerity even exists. It surely hasn't been in my life. Maybe she can help some with that. She seems nice enough.

As I peered into the picture, I realized that the item likely belonged to the human. And worse, I had not asked what her name was. I had given her mine, but my lack of asking was strange. I don't quite know what I could attribute it to, but my best guess is likely just my continued awe. I spoke with a human. Those few minutes remained etched into my memory like they had just happened, which, granted, they had. 

I shook my thoughts off, closed the small thing at the end of the chain, and swam off. I needed to go back home after this. My swims don't usually last this long, and at least someone at home has to be worried. If not, it'll be something else entirely. I just need to look how I normally do when I get back home: refreshed. Even if I really wasn't.

After all, how can one feel refreshed when their mind is full of ideas of conflicting emotion?

The quality of my mornings fluctuate relentlessly based upon the events of the previous day, and it is remarkably noticeable. My siblings immediately caught on. The cue wasn't exactly difficult to glean, as only an excitement uncharacteristic of me causes me to wake up earlier than them. I pay their teasing no mind. Or I at least try to.

"Hey Mittens, what's up?" My irksome brother, Edric, pipes up. "We're usually the ones who have to get you up. You thinking about something?" Both him and Emira looked at me, awaiting an answer. I almost didn't hear them, in all honesty. Living with witches like them really teaches you how to ignore people effectively. Upon hearing the dumb nickname they called me, however, I realized that I was being legitimately addressed. I stuttered for a bit, trying to both remember their question and find an adequate answer.

I shrugged. "I suppose it's just a sort of excitement. I have something to do tonight that I'm looking forward to." I fully attempted to brush the conversation off and deter my siblings from pressing on. I clearly was mistaken. I'm not exactly surprised, given that these two have a habit of prying into my life, but rather I internally facepalmed. You know better than this, Amity!

"Oooh, what are you doing?" Emira asked, circling around me, just waiting for a reaction. I tried to give her none. She looked me straight in the face, like the nosy prankster she was, and that finally made me spill a bit more.

"It's nothing important, just ... seeing something." I looked away from them and scratched the back of my neck. They were only going to press further, I just knew it. "You know what, I'm done with this conversation. Have a good day at school." I grabbed my things and abruptly swam off, not even bothering to speak to my parents. It's not as if either of us truly care, anyway. All they wish for me is success. That wouldn't be a problem if their definition of the term wasn't so ... demented.

School is an interesting behemoth. Or rather, an interesting place populated by multiple interesting behemoths, of all shapes, sizes, and degrees of sentience. As a school for magic, such is to be expected, I suppose. I go along with my day, staying close to my acquaintances, who I don't dare to call friends within my own mind, and remain mostly silent and introspective. It's not like my behavior threw anyone off. I act that sort of way every day. I pay close attention, eager to learn every shred I can glean from the instructors. I remain perfectly diligent. My mind never wanders.

Or at least, it isn't supposed to.

But today it does. Briefly, and only for a second. I shake off my trance quickly. The human plagues my thoughts, it seems. Is it some sort of magic from The Above that I do not know of yet? Something to influence my mind, my very essence? I do not allow questions to arise within me. Not yet, I almost hear myself whisper. Just a bit more time.

School concludes as abruptly as it begins, as is normal. I mask my thoughts and intentions, swimming to collect my belongings before swimming off, not bothering to listen to the conversation taking place between my few acquaintances, that likely wish for me to engage in it as well. I await the setting sun, letting my mind for once roam free.

I pull the chain out again. I had left it with my other items, deeming it valuable in some sort of potentially sentimental manner. Either that, or something inside told me that keeping this around would be a good idea. Whatever gave such advice, I stuck to it. I flipped it open, gazing at the picture again. Just until sunset. Then I would see her again.

Before I leave, y'all, I just wanted to say thank you for reading my stuff. This is the first legitimate readerbase I have obtained after a couple flimsy ideas that never truly got off the ground, and I just want you to know that I do this not only for my own enjoyment, but for yours. I hope you're having as good a time reading this as I am writing it. I'll try to get more good chapters out soon. Sorry if they aren't exactly long. And just know, if you ever have any questions you wish me to respond to, I am willing to answer. I check my Wattpad notifications compulsively. Pleasure to be of service.

~ SuperBadCat

Mystic Waters - Lumity AUTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon