Part 12

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I woke up and Me and Justin was on FaceTime all night and we both fell asleep and I looked over at my phone and he hung up...wows but I had to go to school anyways so I got up and I showered and I got ready and I went and changed into this

And I put my shoes and grabbed my stuff and Justin texted me and said some hey and I was about to text back but Xavier came in Xavier:lets go we lateMe:I need food Xavier:bruh hurry I ran to the kitchen and I put my eggos in the toaster and waited...

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And I put my shoes and grabbed my stuff and Justin texted me and said some hey and I was about to text back but Xavier came in
Xavier:lets go we late
Me:I need food
Xavier:bruh hurry
I ran to the kitchen and I put my eggos in the toaster and waited and then I got them and we left and we got on the bus and I was actually so tired still but I ate my eggos on the bus and this kid looked at me the whole time
??:No bev
I shook my head and finished my eggos and we got to school and went in and I went to my locker and got my stuff out and then I just went to class and I sat down and I looked at the board and to we had another test and I wasn't about it but I still did it and Justin kept texting me during it
Baeee😍:why you ignoring me?
Baeee😍:come on don't play no games or nothing
Ma Baby❣️:one Second I needa finish my test
Baeee😍:alright call me after school
Ma Baby❣️:ok
End text
I finished my test and I went to my next class with Kiara and Alexa
Alexa:you look soo tired
Me:I Soo am
We laughed a little and sat down and we were summarizing a paper and these are pretty easy for me but he gave us a separate page to highlight and I highlighted everything and Me Kiara and Alexa all helped each other but when we had Enough information we summarized it and then we checked each other's and turned it in I better get a good grade I I really just wanted school to be over but we had lunch next but what was I supposed to eat cause it's not gonna be whatever's here
I waited for class to be over and then me and Kiara went to lunch and talked
Kiara:so what are you doin after school
Me:I don't really know probably gonna have to get Dylan but maybe hangout with Justin too or something cause he keep texting me
Kiara:oh alright
I nodded and talked to her some more and we talked about some of the drama that been happening at our school like these girls got in a fight over this boy like we still doing that
Me and Kiara went to our next classes and I had P.E today and I wasn't really about it but we was playing dodge ball and this bitch I didn't like was in this class so I was throwing every ball I got at her she ain't even catch on but I took a break cause I was throwing it pretty hard and my arms was starting to get tried
We got done with school and now me and Xavier was back at home and I went and took a shower as soon as I got back because I had P.E but after I changed I ordered some uber eats and while I waited I watched some YouTube videos like I watched some of Genius's open mic videos cause those were good and  then my food was here so I went and got it and I just got some fries from McDonald's with some chicken nuggets and a sprite that and I ate that and when I was finished I decided I could go and get Dylan so I put my slides on you know those Gucci ones and I walked out the house and Justin called me
Justin:where you at
Me:I am out of the state right now actually
Justin:for real
Me:I'm being serious
Justin:alright I'm pulling up to your house and then we"ll see if you out of the state
Me:bet I gotta go though bye
I laughed and walked into Dylan's school and signed her out and then went and got her and we walked out the school and back home
Me:school was good
I nodded and we didn't really talk the rest of the way home but we got there and opened the door and Dylan walked in her room and I went in mine and Justin was sitting on my bed
Justin:I thought you was out of the state
Me:I just got back actually
I nodded and sat down and picked my sprite up and it was empty meaning He drank my sprite while I was gone and I just looked at him
Me:where my sprite go
He shrugged and I threw the cup at him and he laughed and put the cup on the night stand and I went in the kitchen and got some water
Dylan:can you get me some too
I put some in a cup for her and gave it to her and then I walked back to my room and she followed 
Justin:Hey Dylan
She smiled and got up and sat on my bed and I sat back down and Justin wrapped his arm around him and Dylan moved it off
Dylan:you can't do that I'll get my brother
Justin:oh relax you buggin
I shook my head and smiled
Dylan:can you turn something on you guys aren't doing anything
Justin:What are we supposed to do
She shrugged and grabbed the remote her self and turned the TV on and put a show on for herself
Justin:why didn't you answer my text this morning
Me:I did
Justin:I sent you like 50 text and you answered once
Me:I think you actually texted me one or two times
I looked down at my phone and went on my snap and I took of video of us and then I turned it to Dylan and she didn't even notice but me and Justin talked some more

Justin left at eleven and I stayed in my room and Dylan was in here asleep in my bed again and I let her stay cause I didn't wanna take her back to her room cause I didn't feel like it and I just laid in my bed and went on my phone and watched Netflix and I only had my TV on for the back round noise but I eventually started watching it actually and then I went to sleep

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