Chapter 1 - Adoption

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I wake up. Where am I? What am I? I wonder helplessly.
All of a sudden it comes to me... I'm a dog, a puppy. I'm in a hospital.
Someone picks me up, and I squirm trying to rid myself of their grip, not knowing why they're picking me up. But they won't let go. I give up knowing the struggle is useless, and it might not be bad that they're holding me, so I relax into her arms. (I don't know how I know it's a girl, but I do.) I take a deep breath, and try to be happy.
The lady pets me, and I realize it's not a lady, it's a girl, a little girl, probably 6 or 7. I hope they're adopting me. I love girls. Not really boys though, they're normally more dangerous, and are more likely to drop me, well younger boys anyways.
She hugs me close to her, and I lick her hand, she giggles. She kisses me on the top of my head, and I lick her again. This time her mom answers: "I think she likes you-"
"Can we get her! Can we! Can we!" She cuts her mom of, too exited to hear what she has to say.
"Well... I guess Christmas is coming up soon, soo..."she pauses suspensefully "Yes."
The kid screeches, and whoops happily, nearly popping my eardrums.
"Shhh" her mom says as if she were reading my mind, "you'll hurt her ears, Anna."
"Ohh, sorry" she whispers, and hugs me even tighter, and kisses me at least 5 more times. "Sorry" she repeats quietly.
Then her mom says "You should put her on the ground, so she can walk, at least to the counter, where that person is." She says pointing. I don't really know what to think, I've never walked before.
She places me gently on the ground, not wanting to hurt me. I can barley stand. After a second or two, I take a small step forwards, I almost slip. I take another step, more careful this time. A third, its a little easier now. I go a little faster now, but still pretty slowly, I'm still a little wobbly, but better than before. I speed up the tiniest bit, and all of a sudden I trip on something, a fall. Both the little girl and her mom laugh, which I don't like. I try to stand up, but my feet just won't stay under me! This just bring more laughs, so I give up and just lie there a little upset.
Eventually their laughs die down and the girl places me on my feet, holding her hands at my sides, in case I fall, but luckily I don't. She moves her hands away, and I continue walking, this time not speeding up, I still fall a couple more times, but they manage to hold back their laughs, and pick me up each time I fall.
At some point I find out that I'd actually tripped on my ears, not something on the ground. This explains why they were laughing so much.
Before I know it I'm at the counter, and pretty tired. The girl picks me up, while her mom starts talking the person a the counter. I hear their voices fade away, as I get sleepier...
I'm very tired, soo tired... I can't help but fall asleep in her arms. 😴
As I drift to sleep I think something, a question really, What kind of dog am I? I know that I'm a dog, but what kind? I don't know why I didn't think this before... I continue thinking about this as I fall into a deeper, and deeper sleep... Then, I dream...

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