Part 30: Mountain Reformation

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"This food is amazing!" Denki shouts into the air, between him indulging in large amounts of the buffet food. There was a large array of food, along the giant table, to choose from. Making for a variety of food choices amongst the students, from both class 1-A and 1-B. Considering, both the classes ate their dinner together.
"I agree, this is served from heaven!" Eijiro agrees, doing the same intense indulging as Denki.
"This will be the only time you'll be well fed, so enjoy it." Pixie-bob states ominously. Yet, this only made the students feel more inclined to eat furiously. Except for a few students, who ate a much smaller amount. One of which, being Kokei. He sat at the end of the table for Class 1-A, he seemed to be just picking at the deluxe course meal In front of him.
Mandalay noticed this, so, she approached the boy. "Food not up to your standards?" Mandalay questions smugly, but gains no real reaction from Kokei.
"No, the food's great." Kokei responds in such a monotone voice level, it was hard for Mandalay to hear him over the loud noises of everyone loudly chatting and munching.
"Uh huh," Mandalay hums, peering down at the gloomy Kokei. "Say, i can't hear you very well, and, it's obvious you're not hungry so, wanna go to one of my favorite spots?"
"Ooooh, she wants to get with you!" Jenny awes like a child, "do it!"
Kokei sighs softly, dropping his eating utensils and standing up. This caught many of his classes' attention. "Okay."

"And, here we are." Mandalay states, Kokei and her were near the top of a wooden tower that stood tall beside the forest lodge. The moon's raise of light made it feel more of a afternoon than nighttime. "Whatcha think? I'll be able to hear you here."
Kokei stared at the moon for a few moments, then leaned on the wooden fence that boarded off a steep fall. "It's.. majestic." Kokei says unenthusiastically, not even looking to the moon now and instead peering at the forest below him.
Mandalay doesn't respond for some time, but she did observe Kokei's mellow attitude. Eventually, she begins to speak again. "Well, let's start off with some introductions! Let's both say our names and one thing that's interesting about ourselves." Mandalay attempts to contrast Kokei's depressed demeanor with enthusiasm. But, it doesn't help much. "My name's Shino Sosaki and i nap most of the day. Your turn."
Kokei keeps his firm stare at the ground as he speaks, "Kokei Kyōryokuna. And uh.. I got Third place at the Sports Festival."
Mandalay gasps, "third place?! That's amazing! You must be really strong to have gotten that far." Kokei nods in response, not speaking at all. "Why weren't you showing off your skills in the forest? As i recall, you were one of the people near the back. Why's that?"
Kokei shrugs, "guess i wasn't feeling it."
Mandalay lightly sighs and takes a step closer to Kokei. "Kokei, i can tell there's something plaguing your mind. You can talk to me."
Kokei shakes his head, "it's nothing for you to concern yourself over."
Mandalay gently places her hand on Kokei's right shoulder in a comforting way. So much so, that she was able to make Kokei create eye contact with her. "It's alright, you can tell me anything."
Kokei stares into Mandalay's eyes, she reminded him so much of Sobokuna. Her comforting touch, her warm aura. Kokei imagined if he used Infrared Ray on her it'd even reflect the color Red, though it was unlikely that she loved him already. "My foster mom was recently killed." Mandalay gasps and goes to say something, but Kokei stops her. "Don't pity me, i hate that." Kokei peers at the ground, "she was such a great woman.. always rooting for me and my crazy goals. She'd be standing in my corner, at all times. Any feat I'd accomplish, big for small.. she'd congratulate me the same." Kokei smiles, remembering her. "She was.. the best." Kokei looks into Mandalay's eyes again. "I wanted to become something that she'd be proud of, i wanted her to see me do great things.. i wanted-.. i wanted-.." Kokei keeps cutting himself off, tears arising in his eyes. He didn't want to cry, he thought of it as weakness. But, Mandalay reminded him so much of his mother that it was hard to resist. "I wanted her to stay happy forever."
With those words, the full flood of tears overcome Kokei's eyes. Mandalay sensed this, so she lovingly wraps her arms around Kokei and holds him close to her. "It's alright, I understand." She says comfortingly, Kokei wraps his arms around her as well. "All you can do now is keep her in your memories as you move forward. It's what she'd want."
Kokei sniffles, "I.. miss her." He admits between sobs and small whimpers. And for the entirety of his crying, Mandalay held him and caressed his hair. Exactly like his mother, it made him feel both happier and sadder. But one thing was for certain, Mandalay gave him a certain sense of comfort and closure. And after he bathed by himself in the hot springs, since he was gone when his class went together, Kokei felt refreshed. And for the first time in a long, long time, Kokei slept soundly.

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