Chapter 1: The Story Begins

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Let me start from the beginning on how this lead up to everything...

6 hours earlier:

The stupid alarm clock rang. It was 6am when I got up. I yawned and stretched as I got out of bed.

Why did I even have to get up early again? Oh yeah, that's right. I have a tennis game with Yoshi that I'm going to crush him at! Best get up early so I'm not late. It starts at 8am.

I shut off the alarm, grabbed my tennis clothes (a red shirt with white shorts and a red visor hat with my 'M' initial on it) and groggily made my way to the bathroom. I used it, got dressed, and went downstairs to make myself something to eat. I just made myself some cereal since I wasn't really in the mood to cook and I wanted to be there at a decent time. I still had to get ready yet, and didn't want to waste too much time on eating. After eating, I brushed my teeth, combed my moustache and brushed my hair. I then put the visor on my head.

Heh, not too bad. I thought, looking proud in the mirror.

I quickly checked the time on my bedside table after I was finished. The clock read; 7:15am.

Mama mia! Already?!

I quickly grabbed my duffel bag and packed my regular attire and brown boots into it, in case I wanted to change out of my sweaty clothes. I packed my towel, a few water bottles and a few other things as well.

It was 7:40 when Yoshi arrived. I heard a knock, so I opened the opened the door and there he stood.

"Ready to go?" He asked.

I nodded. "I just have to put on my running shoes."

"Okay," Yoshi replied. "I'll take this outside and wait for you then."

"Oh, thanks." I said, tying my shoes. My shoes were both red and white. They matched my tennis outfit.

"No problem." Yoshi announced as he headed outside. I followed him a few seconds later and grabbed my duffel bag as he handed it to me. Yoshi had his as well. We both hopped into a warp pipe and were finally on our way.

We arrived shortly after that and got settled quickly so we could set up. I quickly checked my phone that was in my bag and the time said; 7:50am.

Thank the pastas that we arrived on time!

Yoshi and I then quickly got set up on the court and began to play our tennis game. We played for hours but took small breaks, of course. The game got really intense. We kept top spinning the ball, and slicing it to each other to try to throw each other off guard. (Not actually slicing. It just makes the ball curve to the side, making it more difficult for your opponent to reach the ball). Yoshi made really great defences and saves. I was impressed, but I kept doing the same. The game eventually kept making us tie and it was time to change things up. Time for my Blazing Wall Jump! My heart throbbed in my chest. One mess up, and Yoshi could have an advantage to retrieve the ball and win this easily. I took a quick deep breath.

You can do this, Mario!

Yoshi was just about to do an Egg Roll, (one of his Trick Shots), when something or someONE caught the corner of my eye. I released my position and stood up. I couldn't help but stare in awe. Yoshi hit the ball and obtained an easy point. He cheered, but I could barely hear him over my daydreaming.

My heart skipped a beat. It nearly burst out of my chest. Words can not explain how deeply in love I was with her. She was the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. I wonder who she is? I asked myself.

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