and then she said she can't believe

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If you ever want to know what I do in my spare time, it's memorising this to recite to people to freak them out:

I'm just so excited to see my Lord and Saviour Baphamet represented in such glory as Italian stone. I do hope his eyes gaze upon me, and that my allegiance is recognised... I dunno... notice me senpai, notice me.

Part of me wishes that angel statue would come to life, and King Baphamet will rise, and the two eternal juggernauts will do battle, right here in the middle of the city... but "for what is this battle raging?" you ask... I dunno... "what stands at the centre?" To that I say my soul is at the centre, offer it up to the ageless ones only to be torn in twain.

It's like you can't have one without the other, you know, like I'm equal parts God and the Devil. A cloak of shame covers this man, and only supreme light will wash my body clean. But how could that light possibly reach me, with the thick clouds of indecency that surround my poor soul? So I carry my wrongdoings on my back, like some kind of tormented hiker, lost in the hills of misfortune, looking desperately for that peak to rescue him from the valley of depraved habitual self-pleasuring, but again I find nothing except for sweaty, devastated loneliness, and a thousand judging eyes staring back at me from the cover of a stolen Victoria's Secret catalogue... I didn't take your mail, Mrs Pemberton! Stop asking me that! Leave me alone!

I dunno... Satan's pretty cool.

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