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[2 Months later]

It was just turning nighttime in the Musutafu Prefecture. This normally would've been a normal night for Y/N L/N, but instead, her night took a turn. 

Y/N hid behind some shipping containers, watching and listening in on the events unfolding in front of her. 

Are you serious?! The one night I was finally free to hang out with my friends I end up stumbling upon a drug dealing?

She took off her burgundy coat and tossed it inside a container quickly before climbing onto another container to get a better read on the situation. There were 10 men, 5 on each side, unloading big drug-filled packages from the shipping containers and loading them into their vehicles. 

I'm surprised there aren't more men guarding the surrounding area...

Y/N leaned in closer, trying not to reveal herself, but also trying to hear the exchanges between the men.

"...Our customers are going to be really happy about this new shipment. It's said to be a stronger form of the drug that'll keep them addicted so that's better for us," one of the men said.

"Will you shut up dude? The boss is literally over there if he sees us chatting rather than working we're screwed," hushed another one of the goons.

The men had almost finished packing everything into their cars except for a few more shipments. 

I was planning on leading a more stealthy approach but it doesn't seem like I have that choice anymore.

Y/N jumped from the top of the container and landed down on the ground in front of the group of men and their boss. They stopped and looked at her and drew their guns. 

"Who the hell are you, woman,"

"I'm a woman who is in a LOT of pain right now, I mean did you see what I just did? I jumped down from 'that' container with HEELS on, jeez" she swore as she held in her pain. 

"That's not what we meant idiot," one of the men rolled their eyes. 

"Fine, I'm H/N (hero name), but you guys really couldn't have picked another day to do this? I'm kinda busy tonight so we have to make this quick,"

"Oh we'll make this quick alright," one of them said before they started firing their weapons. Y/N launched herself up in the air, taking her heels off, before throwing them hard at two of the men. Lucky for her, her precision was on point and it struck them right in the head. The other men continued firing as she landed again and charged towards them, dodging and deflecting practically every bullet. 

Using her Sun quirk, she powered up her hands and shot light beams to at half of the men while the other half either continued to shoot and charge at her. She charged at the men coming toward her and used her solar flare to deflect and knock them far out of her way. Y/N stopped as there was one man in front of her before she could get to the cars. 

"You're not gonna get past me little girl," he spat as he charged towards her. Almost in an instant, she jumped over him and landed with her legs on his neck, then, using her leg strength, flipped him over and smashed him into the hard concrete. 

She got up and dusted her hands off, "Save that toxic masculinity for someone else..." she said as she charged towards the cars, "And for the record, I'm not little I'm average height!" she yelled back. 

Just as she was about to reach the cars, they sped off into the street at a high speed. 

"You have to be shitting me," she groaned as she ran quickly over to her motorcycle and dialed a number. 

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