Prologue: Reincarnation

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Daphne felt a choking sensation, as if she couldn't if her body didn't know how to. The sensation awoke her from her sleep, and she immediately took a deep breath as she tried to pry her eyes open. 

Too weak, her eyes were too weak! All she could see was the red glow when light passes through closed eyes. 

"She's alive!" she heard a woman's voice cry aloud. 

Perhaps she was in the hospital Daphne sluggishly thought before sleep consumed her. 


Disbelief, that was what Daphne felt. She was feeling too sore for it to be a dream, and she didn't really want to believe  that she would dream up something as weird as a woman trying to breastfeed her.

It wasn't like Daphne had mommy issues, nor did she swing that way. But she...she really hoped that it was just a dream. Perhaps it was a lucid dream and that was why her thoughts were so clear, why the soreness in her limbs was so vivid.

Yet it wasn't a dream, as the passing months proved to Daphne. It could've been, in the beginning at least. When your body can only hold so much energy, it's naturally to sleep for the majority of the time. Drifting between consciousness and sleep can easily blur the lines of reality and dreams. Yet as her waking periods got longer, the more her hope of it being a dream diminished until Daphne spiraled into depression. 

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