Ch. 7

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-Sunday 7:00 am Vegas-

The rent-a-alarm went off on the borrowed nightstand causing Mei to flinch as he attempted to awaken. His body ached, especially a very specific area, and he groaned as he attempted to take it slow. His body ached, he was still exhausted, and his stomach was rebelling at the thought of any food.


His eyes squinted as he tried to focus on KO and his question, "Not really. I'm kind of sick to my stomach to be honest."


"No. Its probably the gymnastics you had me doing every which way last night! My body is angry and I don't blame it." no response came and he realized was not the time for grumpiness. Waving his hand at KO he shook his head, "I take it back, I take it back, okay? I didn't mean it. I'm just grouchy."


"Yes, yes, I'm hungover. I didn't think I had that much to drink."

"You...we didn't sleep much."

Genuine laughter chuckled out of Mei as he nodded along, "Yeah, that probably didn't help." he groaned again as he stood up and tried stretching his back resembling Father Time as he did so, "I still have to pack, but I do not feel up to it."

"Already done. Go shower."

Hope brightened Mei's face, "You are a god, dude." giving a quick kiss to KO's cheek he headed for the bathtub instead.

KO tried to keep cool as he processed the gesture. As soon as the door closed he touched his cheek in shock. It had been so natural for Mei like one his bro hugs and shoulder slaps. It was so natural, so it wasn't a big deal at all...but after four years KO couldn't help but panic. This weekend had gone so fast and too good. The floor had to fall in soon. Where was the end? When did the trouble sink in? KO was supposed to be alone. Its how he had spent the last few years.

That wasn't true.

It had been a long time since he had been alone. Lived in quiet. Nothing but a hidden face behind a computer screen with a legendary name whispered about amongst hacking forums. That wasn't him anymore. He was KO with Zhi Yi who lived with Hao Mei, the person he loved. That is who he was now.

He sat on the bed with the bags packed and waited. When Mei finally emerged from the bathroom drying his hair off, KO stood and announced, "Lets go home."

Mei laughed and patted his back as he rummaged in the bag, "Let me brush my teeth first. We have time before the flight. It doesn't take off till 10. You would not believe that bathtub. I feel so much better after soaking. I see why girls always talk about taking a nice long bath. That was incred-"

KO hugged Mei close and only pulled back enough to kiss him. When he finally stepped back out of embrace he said evenly, "Brush your teeth."

All Mei did was laugh and wag the toothbrush at him, "I warned you. We can leave in a little bit. I'm almost ready."

It wasn't long before they were down in the lobby checking out and eventually hailing a taxi. Mei settled into the car while KO loaded the bags in the back. It was a pleasant surprise when KO slid in next to Mei. At once KO recognized him long before Mei had started hitting KO's arm asking if it was the same guy.

KO nodded with a smirk, "Mmm. His name is Jack Meyers. It must be his route."

Jack looked in his rearview mirror and asked, "Where to, gentlemen?"

KO started to answer when Mei stopped him and winked, then answered confidently, "Airport please." he settled back in the seat, "Thats the right where he was asking, right?"

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