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Its been a long day and i'm already exhausted. My boss really wants me to finish all this paper work tonight? I thought to myself. I've been here since 9 a.m and I still have zero clue as how i do this everyday but here i am. I tried to ask my boss if i could just finish it at home but seeming that he might have a slight ( major lol) crush on me he insisted that i stayed late and hand it into him personally when i'm done. Need to remind you that i am happily married to the number two hero, Hawks, and have zero plans to sabotage what we have going. We've been married for quite some time and yet my boss thinks he has what it takes to sweep me away. I roll my eyes as i looked in my bosses direction and get straight back to work. I don't need him here making me stay even longer than what i have to. Two hours roll by and i get a text from my loving husband:

Daddy Keigo: Hey baby bird you still at work?

Y/n : yea i am ik ik, it sucks lol i did have a plan for when you got home though but ig its kinda ruined now.

Daddy Keigo: WHAT??? noooo you can always still tell me ya know lol

Y/n: Well.....

Daddy Keigo: Yea???

Y/n: nah it can wait lol i wanted it to be a surprise ya know.

Daddy Keigo: Ughhh... fine baby bird want me to pick you up after work?

Y/n: sure why not, but can we please fly around for a minute. you know how i like feeling like Wendy sometimes.

Daddy Keigo: Of course baby bird anything for you just let me know when your done with work.

Y/n: Okay love see you then.

I checked the time after shutting my phone off and it read 7:15 p.m and i groaned as to how long I've already been here. Doing paper work is not something i like to do but hey it does pay the bills huh. I can always not work seeming that my husband is a model/ pro hero and all and he does makes bank but i was raised to chase the bag for yourself because at the end of the day the only person who truly gots you is you. Any way i get right back to work and literally not 10 minutes into this one file i pulled from the small stack my boss come out his office and straight towards me and i start to panic. Not only did i hate this man with a passion, he has a habit for sexually harassing the females at work. I try to stay calm because he can literally coming over to tell me something about the files or something like that.

Big Boss: hey so how is coming along?

Y/n: pretty good almost done here ya know working....

BB: oh okay good....oh can you come by my office in a little bit i need to show you something important okay.

Y/n: sure boss anything else? i kinda wanna finish before it gets too late you know....

BB: yeah no i get it but dont forget okay...

Y/N: no i wont forget okay....

I put on the most fakest smile i have ever worn in this establishment. i watch as he leaves and goes back into his office.He softly glances my way and i quickly turn back to my work. I seriously have to finish because i truly dont wanna be in his office for so long and still have work to do. Another hour passes me by and i literally have 2 more files when i get a text message from none other than Hawks.

Daddy Hawks: Image received

Y/n: Don't be shy show some more...

Daddy Hawks: Well that wouldn't be any fun now would it song bird.

Y/n: ugh fine then if you wanna play that type of game... Image sent

Daddy hawks: oh now were talking song bird... Image sent.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2021 ⏰

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