Chapter 16: Don't know what to do!

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“So how did last night go?” Danielle asks before sipping a cup of tea, “Terrible” I say. My eyes are all puffy from crying last night and I have a terrible head ache, “Oh it didn’t look like it went well, you look terrible hun! So what happened, what did he say?” Danielle says. “Well I said to him the rumours weren’t true but he still didn’t believe me, then we got into a big argument and he said he didn’t love me and that’s when my heart dropped. Then he said we need time apart and he said he didn’t mean to say he doesn’t love me because he still does... then we said bye to each other and he went.” I say trembling because I’m trying to hold back tears.

“Oh babe, don’t cry! Hopefully he will see sense and realise that the rumours weren’t true and that he shouldn’t believe James” Danielle says. “I know, I hate James why did he have to do this to me, I haven’t done anything to him apart from fall in love with another guy. I mean James was a lovely boyfriend don’t get me wrong but it just wasn’t working out and he knew that.” I say starting to get annoyed at the fact that James has ruined my relationship.

I go in the kitchen and get a packet of biscuits for me and Danielle, then I suddenly get a text from Zayn. For a split second my heart skips a beat as I am so excited that he has texted me, I read the text and my heart feels like it is sinking to the ground. I go back in the living room and slouch on the couch next to Danielle and look at her all teary eyed.

“What’s wrong hun?!” She asks, “Nothing” I mumble, “Don’t tell me there’s nothing wrong with you, I know there is something. Now tell me.” She says, “I just got a text from Zayn... and he... he’s coming to collect his stuff.... erm he’s moving out” I say upsettingly. “No! He can’t do that, no he is not moving out, how can he believe James but not you!  I know Zayn and he’s not that silly to believe someone else that fast, I can’t believe he’s actually leaving you” Danielle says shocked.

I look at her then I burst into tears “My life is full of sadness, how can he leave me and Baby Zayn” I say. Danielle comes and cuddles me, “Everything will be fine.” She says sympathetically, “Promise?” I say, “Promise” Danielle says smiling.

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