The Answer

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“So this is it?” Julia’s eyebrows furrowed together in a state of confusion and disappointment. All around her were tiny, crisp looking white cubicles and fake potted plants, nothing spectacular or LA times like. Realizing that this is possibly her only job opportunity, Julia made the decision to keep her mouth shut. Katie, aka Julia’s favorite person in the entire world, was showing her around and she felt an odd sort of emptiness, like she had expected massive boardrooms and glossy offices.

Somehow, Julia also was a ball of nerves, her hands were furiously picking at her suddenly, itchy camisole. She needed this job, she wanted this job with every fiber of her being, and her strange dislike for Katie would not get into her way. Katie led her into one of the many series of compulsively, organized cubicles and directed her to her very own desk. “Here you are, Julia Dawen this is your official company desk.” Julia’s large eyes grew with a childlike joy at the fact that engraved in wood, in the middle of her desk, her name sat proudly.

“Wow, Katie, I have no words.” Julia murmured, a bright smile plastered onto her face.

“Considering you are a writer, I wouldn’t recommend being speechless”. A incredibly familiar voice called from the cubicle next door, as an adorable swivel chair rolled toward Julia. The person sitting on that chair was someone Julia knew, well she almost, sort of knew. It was the guy she ran into in the elevator, he looked the exact same from a week ago, his eyes were still wonderfully curious and his sweater was very messy looking. “Ah, elevator girl, I didn’t think I’d see you here.” He sat back in his chair, a cocky and charming smirk lit up his face.

Julia cleared her throat and replied, “I have a name, if you’re wondering, I’m not just the girl who rambles to strangers in elevators.” She looked him in the eye, challenging him with her mediocre humor.

“I have a name too, Marc Bakeman, LA Sun Times reviewer, you know, if you don’t already know.” As Marc stuck out his hand in mock introduction, Katie cleared her throat rudely and stepped forward, Julia had just noticed that her face was dappled with dark, beauty marks.

“I’m glad you two know each other, that always makes things easier but you both have work to do. Marc, please show Katie the ropes, I assume she doesn’t know much about this occupation.” Katie swiveled her hips away from her direction and gave Marc a strange look, and left without saying one word. walked away, her skyscraper like stiletto's clicking loudly on the ground, Julia glanced at Marc, his hazel eyes softened as he watched Katie leave. The look he gave Katie was one Julia had almost only seen in film: pure and utter love.

“Showing me the ropes?” Julia lightly giggled and looked back at Marc, his gaze now settled on her.

“Oh, you have no idea.” He stood up and made his way to Julia’s desk, I think I’m going to like this job, Julia thought and a rare feeling of hope settled into her mind...

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