Chapter 1

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This is my first chapter of my first fan fiction. If you see anything wthat you don't like, want more of, or just think something would fit into the story, feel free to comment about it! I'm open to any and all ideas, if it fits well enough I'll try to add it into the story. Be prepared for some hot garbage though. Also sorry this chapter is so short, I'm trying to figure out how long I want them to be.

Little background here. Hinata had always liked to jump high and run fast, he very quickly found things that included both of those. He tried different sports in elementary school but quickly found that nothing compares to ice skating. He did however stop trying things before volleyball so he never tried it before middle school. Hinata loved the feeling of gliding across the ice, spinning as fast as you could, defying gravity, and still looking elegant. Yuri is his mother's brother, Viktor is obviously his boyfriend and is considered as Hinata's other uncle. Hinata's father left when he was a baby, not wanting anything to do with him. Hinata's mother tried to provide for him but cracked under the pressure of being a single mom raising two kids. After Hinata had become close with his uncles, she ended up dying when Hinata was 9. Viktor and Yuri took in Hinata and Natsu and raised them as their own. Natsu has been aged up to being in her last year of high school. Cool? Cool.

Russian English Japanese Flashback

Hinata POV

I wake up to my alarm clock blaring. I quickly turn it off and happily get out of bed getting ready for the day. Natsu was already in the kitchen when I came downstairs but she wasn't nearly as chipper as me, she looked like a zombie waiting for her coffee to brew. "Good morning Natsu~!" I say. She smiles sleepily and goes back to making coffee. "How are you so damn energetic in the morning? Whatever, still insist on biking across the stupid mountain to school?" Natsu asked. I nodded and started breakfast. Natsu hovered around me, making sure I didn't burn anything. I pull the eggs off the heat just before the toasters beeps, Natsu grabs four plates and grabs the toast for me. Each plate gets one piece of bread and one serving of scrambled eggs. After adding some garnish my uncles finally stumble half asleep out of their room. They mumble good morning and sit down at the table. Me and Natsu put the plates down and we all eat, talking away. "Don't forget to leave early today, we need to start training on time." Yuri says. I nod my head enthusiastically. I look up at the time and realize I'm running late and rush around the house grabbing my school bag and sports bag, I wave bye as I rush out the door and get on my bike.

I'm about 5 minutes from school in the bike lane when a squirrel runs in front of me. It's too late to break so I take a sharp turn, tossing my bike into the grass with a thud and sends me across the road skidding across the pavement. My left arm is red and raw after being dragged on the ground unprotected. I get up and start pushing my bike to school feeling bad about having to be late now that I crashed.

Finally I make it and lock up my ruined my bike, the adrenaline wore off so I could feel the pain in my arm in full force, rushing to volleyball practice knowing fully well Daichi was going to chew my head off for being late. I walk in and make a beeline to the locker room. "Hinata! Not so fast!" Daichi practically growls. I stop and look at him head on nervously. Almost immediately his anger washes away into concern. "Hinata is your face bruised?" Daichi asks. That caught Sugamama's attention. "I guess I hit my head too. My arm is worse." I say showing my left forearm. "HOLY-Hinata what happened?!" Sugamama asks grabbing a first aid kit. "This squirrel ran out into the road, I didn't want to hit it and ended up turning to much and I got thrown off my bike." I apologized. Suga grabs it and starts to clean it. "Does it hurt too much? You can go to the nurse after I wrap it." Suga says voice laced with worry. "The only problem is my arm, everything else is just some bumps and bruises, as if I haven't had bruises before." I laugh. Suga smiles. "Good." He says. "Oh, sit out for today. I don't want you hurting your arm more, it's already pretty bad. Please?" Suga asks politely. I think for a minute. If I sit out for volleyball I could save energy for today, but I would be bored. If I do volleyball I could get hurt even worse a would have to sit out longer. "Ok. I'll sit out for today." I say finally. Suga gives me a curious smile before walking off.

Suga POV

Hinata just did the weirdest thing, he's sitting out of volleyball without a fight. While I'm happy he listened to me for once, it's strange. Daichi noticed the weird look on my face as I walked back to him. "Everything good? How's Hinata?" He asks glancing back at him. "Hinata's ok, just some bumps and bruises." Almost immediately after I say that Daichi let's out a small breath and relaxes. "He just did the weirdest thing though, I asked him to sit out for today and he was completely fine with it. He didn't say anything to try and convince me to let him play." I say. Daichi looked back at me with a slightly worried expression. I shrug in response to it. "I guess he's finally listening to reason. Hopefully he stays that way!" He laughs. I feel myself blush, whenever Daichi laughs, time seems to slow down and the only thing that matters is how much I care for him. 'Wait, no, stop thinking that! This is volleyball practice!' My thoughts shout. I shake my head a little to snap myself out of it.

I'm not sure how to end this chapter! Sorry if it seemed a bit sudden, I'm not that great at writing. Anyways I hope you liked this chapter, I'll work on writing the next one.

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