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"...The surgery on Subject 00 finished without any problems ..... He could kill us all but he continues to follow all orders that we given to him to the letter.......IF this continues like this.... our dream will come true soon a world where no one will suffer...." Head Scientists of Hollow Dream Lab


"Please wake up Subject 00... Our normal routine will continue now..."

( time to wake up I see...)

-imagine him with no beard and different clothes-

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-imagine him with no beard and different clothes-

I slowly open my eyes. I momentarily blinded by the light that attacks mine. I waited for a moment to adjust my eyes. I was greeted by the same white ceiling that I came to be familiar with. My back felt something on it, it was somewhat soft.

I stood up to check at my surroundings and try to get an idea on where am I now. But It was useless cause everywhere I looked at there was only white. The floor, the wall...everywhere I looked it was white. The only difference was there was a window at one side of a wall.

"How are you feeling right now Subject 00?" a voice asked me. I tried to find the source of it. I stared at the window but there was nobody... except me...

My emerald colour eyes looked back at me, soulless as it ever was. My black colour hair was getting longer than the last time I looked at... Now it almost reaches my leg. I was only wearing a white cloth that covers me.

My body is still one of a young adult male -that I am- but the only difference was my head had two horns surrounding them, two animal - believe it was a canine of some sort - like ears and a white halo. But that wasn't a surprise, I always had them up until now. What caught my eyes was what was on my back. Usually, there should be a pair of small fragment looking wings on my back but there was...

Something new now...

(Ah...They improve me again...)

-Imagine it the same but black in colours-

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-Imagine it the same but black in colours-

I had two more limbs, wings. They were both black and both are almost as long as me. The feathers on it were soft and glossy. A demonic-looking claw was at the end of each. I touch it and felt my hands against it. I tried to move both of them but I only got it to rise slightly above my head. The claws rested on my shoulder like it was meant there.

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