Brittana: Coffee and Sweet Lady Kisses

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The leaves were falling and the wind was blowing causing a slight breeze when you walked outside. Fall was approaching. This meant more people would be showing up to the coffee shop to most likely order the basic pumpkin spice latte or just go there to hang out while sipping whatever they decided to order.

The Lima Bean started filling up with an outrageous amount of people and Santana groaned in frustration. "Why do people have to have jobs?" Santana asked while making what felt like the nine thousandth pumpkin spice latte today.

"To make extra cash, this Versace sweater didn't pop up out of nowhere" Kurt reasoned.

"Whatever, I wish I could just leave this place and not get screamed at by ungrateful bitches that cry over their coffee not being the right temperature" Santana complained while handing a customer their latte.

"Says the queen bitch herself" Kurt laughed. Santana just rolled her eyes while getting another persons order. "But anyways, if you quit you wouldn't get to see the pretty blonde girl you fawn over everyday" Kurt stated wiggling his eyebrows.

Santana blushed and almost dropped the coffee, "I don't know what you're talking about" She quickly replied.

"Oh come on, it's obvious! She comes here everyday and everytime you know her exact order and your whole face turns as red as a tomato!" Kurt explained crossing his arms.

"Whatever, lady Hummel" Santana said, rolling her eyes.

She was about to hand the coffee to the customer but seen the blonde walk in and spilled it all over the customer in front of her.

"What the hell?!!" The customer, which looked like the definition of a Karen, screamed.

"Sorry, your witch face and Karen hair cut distracted me" Santana shrugged.

Outraged, the customer walked off angrily screaming that she would see the manager about this.

"Yep, that's a Karen alright" Kurt laughed.

He then looked over and seen Brittany, smirking because he knew why Santana really spilled the coffee now.

"I see your girlfriend approaching" Kurt singed, laughing when Santana hit his shoulder shushing him.

"Hi Santana!" Brittany smiled, getting her attention.

"Oh, hey Britt" Santana replied trying to fake a calm composure, but she was failing.

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