❃ Rules and Payment ❃

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☞If you don't have a cast, say that in the comment and I will message you to see if we could figure one out for the trailer. It's easier for me to work with a cast.

☞ I don't do anime or rated r trailers. I also don't do certain fandom trailers but we'll cross that bridge when we get to it.

☞ In most cases, the story has to be posted and have at least one chapter up, I won't make a trailer in January if the books not coming out until May.

☞ Please use proper grammar in your form and double space your form. If your form is all bunched up I will delete the comment.

☞ If you have any questions or comments leave them on the questions and comments chapter.

If you see that your comment has been deleted that means your request was not accepted. do not keep posting it and sending me pms


~Dedication on the chapter you put the trailer in.


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