Part 1

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She swung her legs lazily, heaved several heavy sighs along the road. Her mood wasn't really good, today felt somewhat tiring for her. She didn't even know what got into her own head and heart, all she knew that the fact she was sad and gloomy without any particular reasons. Her insecurities hit her rather badly this time; she wanted to talk to someone yet she didn't want. By meant someone was actually him, yeah, she wanted to talk to him about her day but on the other hand, she felt bad for complaining too much about life. Thus, she hid it herself and chose to act like nothing happened. Busy with her own thoughts, she was surprised with the familiar voice.

"What are you thinking of hm?"

Yeah, he was there; leaning on the wall in front of her home. Her eyes widened; never thought that he would be there. Putting on a fake smile to hide her sadness, she replied to him happily.

"Hey, what are you doing here?"

"Waiting for you."

"Huh? Ooooh something good happens?" She took steps closer to him.

"Mhm..sort of? But let's eat first, I'm hungry." He then pulled her hand rather softly.

For a while, her burdens fade away. Seeing her favorite figure when her she had bad day was more than enough to ease her sadness. They walked side by side, talking about everything like they always do.

"What do you want to eat?" He nudged her.

"Chicken and cola, I really want it. You?"

"Same. Let's get it then."

They talked and talked and talked, the conversation seemed wouldn't stop anytime soon. Until he suddenly jumped into such an awkward gesture; he got shy.

"I want to tell you something."

"Huh? What's that?"

"I'm— I'm seeing someone."

There was a bright smile plastered on his face, she had never saw it before but this time, that smile was clearly different. She froze for a moment, trying to process everything before giving a small smile to him.

"Oooh, who's that?" She squinted her eyes playfully.

"My classmate, well—actually we're getting close to each other lately and I think she's cute."

"That's great though. Go get her, it's been awhile since your last break up and I'm glad that you can finally open your heart."

"You make me shy but thanks, bud." He ruffled her hair softly without even dropping that smile.

Jiho swallowed her tears, she tried so hard no to cry in front of him. She thought that she could handle this day just well but she can no longer play along with it. He realized that she was pretty dimmed for a moment.

"Are you alright? You seem very quiet today."

"I'm good, just kinda tired. Shall we go home now? I want to sleep."


Along the way home, she didn't talk much yet kept heaving deep sighs. At time like this, he knew and gave her space; they always do this to each other whenever one of them felt blue.

"Go get some rest, alright?"

"I'm sorry, I can't accompany you that long because mood has been dropping lately." She grinned weakly.

"It's fine, talk to me tomorrow, okay? Get better soon." He flashed a small smile before patting her head lightly.

Once he drove by, she walked in and cried behind the closed door. She cried her lungs out, she hugged her knees rather hardly; trying to manage her breath. Her chest felt heavy, tears wouldn't seem to stop just yet. Jiho had been catching feeling for Taeyong for almost 2 years; she didn't plan on having crush on him yet the heart wanted the other way. They were so close and it was impossible to her to confess her feeling; while she knew that he hadn't moved on yet that time and now, already seeing someone. She glad that Taeyong could finally open his heart again and got that smile back, she was more than glad but it was also hurting her. The bitter truth had broken her heart into million pieces, she knew that from the very start, he didn't have the same feeling as her.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry for liking you more than a friend. I'm so sorry to you because I can't fully happy for you. I'm a bad friend for not sincerely smile for your happiness, I'm sorry, Taeyong."

She whispered through her tears, her head hurt so badly yet she really couldn't stop crying. She felt awful for being this sad and broken. The small whimpering sound could be heard painfully; covering her lips to press her own feelings.

"I will take a step back each day. I will draw the same line that you've drawn between us. I will give up on my feeling towards you. I will throw this feeling away so it won't ever burden or bother you. I'm your best friend and always be."

By those words ended, she force herself to smile through her tears. She must erase her feeling, she would be just fine. This was only a bad day, she could pass through this. Jiho bit her lower lip as holding her own chest to calm herself.

"I will be happy for you, Taeyong buddy!"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2020 ⏰

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