chapter 14

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Dominic's p.o.v

Me and gem were getting ready for a lunch date we had plans for. Gem was in the shower while I got dressed. I heard a knock on the door and looked at the time. The driver is early... I thought to myself. I walked over to the door. "Your earl- hey what the hell are you doing here." I scoffed looking at the guy jaime was with last night. He smirked and peeked his head in the door. "Is jay around?" He asked pushing me aside and walking in. I growled and closed the door. "Hes in the shower. What do you want." I glared at him. "He forgot his jacket." He said waving it in my face. I growled and grabbed it from him. "Thanks. Now leave." I said opening the door.

He laughed and started walking to the door. "Dom whose there?" Gem said walking out of the bathroom drying his hair off. "Oh I was just leaving. Just wanted to drop off your sweater jayjay." The guy said. Jaime looked at him then at me as he walked out of the room. I sighed and closed the door. "How did he know what room we were in?" I asked jaime. "I had a little piece of paper in my pocket with the number on it so I could remember if I wanted to go anywhere and come back." He sighed and sat on the bed. "Did he say anything or do anything?" Gem asked and grabbed my hand. "No not really." I said and kissed his head.

A few moments later there was another knock on the door. "I'll get it." Gem said and got up to answer the door. "The limo is ready." My driver told Gem. He nodded and looked over at me. "Ready love?" He said and smiled. "Yes I am." I said and took his hand as we followed behind the driver out to the limo. We pulled up to the restaurant and got out of the limo. We walked into the restaurant and up to the desk. "Harrison, reservation for two." I told the lady. "Right this way." She said grabbing two menus and leading us to our table.

We ordered our food and some fancy wine. "Oh I love this place!" Gem said looking around and taking a bite of a bread stick. "I knew you would love." I said and grabbed his hand in mine. "Snear, table for one." I heard and looked up to see that guy from earlier. "Ughh!" I huffed. "What's wrong babe?" Gem said and looked over to see the guy. "Damn how did quinn find us." He said and turned back to me. "I don't know he must've followed us." I sighed. "Hey it's ok I promise." Gem said taking my hands in his and kissing the backs of my hands. I smiled abit and nodded as our food and wine came. "Yay thank you!" Gen said pouring wine in his cup and taking a sip.

"Mmm this is wonderful." He said with a big smile. "I'm glad you like it love." I smiled back at him. "I'll have what those two are having thank you." Quinn said two tables over from us. I growled and glared at him. "Babe look at me." Gem said gently taking my chin and turning my face to him. "Yes, love." I said and fed him a bite of food.

Old friend, new love. (yungblud x oc)Where stories live. Discover now