Broken puzzel peices.

82 2 1

How'd you get these bruises, wait don't tell me Jasper again? I couldn't say a word. My whole body ached in pain after another "talk" that we discussed but as always it seemed to head down stream. It's bad enough that my mom died last spring but now this. I can't even remember what the fight was about but this time it was bad. I have bruises all up and down my arms and legs while i have a gash in my lip and a cut on my neck. Great, I'm going to look hot on picture day. At least I have my best friend Piper. Her dad's a doctor so he showed her different techniques in this case for my injuries. "Why don't you break up with the guy already?" Piper suggested but the reason was that he is the only thing i have left. My dad walked out on me when i was eight but all i have now is my little sister Ally. We don't talk much, well as much as when mom was alive. It was hard especially for her. "You know why i can't" Hes all I got besides Ally. Piper signed and finished up bandging my woundes. "Well good luck" Piper said as she walked out . I went upstairs and laid in my bed. I glanced at the time then passed out.


Hope Foster 16 ­ Piper Nelson 16 ­ Jasper Harris 17

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