Chapter 1

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It was a typical Saturday morning every day is a repeat over and over again but this day is different I got called by a photographer in Sourbite city. I accept the offer and the next thing I knew  I'm on a plane to the amazing city. When the plane landed I went to the baggage claim to grab my bags I didn't carry much except for my laptop and charger and so on I called a taxi when I reached the front of the airport and told the driver to drop me to a hotel

"So this is what Sourbite city looks like?" I said to myself astonished by looking at the designer stores on display

"This is your hotel mam," The Taxi driver said opening the door for me and taking my luggage out of the back trunk of the taxi

"Thank you so much for the help" Tipping the driver one hundred dollars

As I stepped inside the hotel I was greeted by a nice lady with curly red hair with gorgeous ocean blue eyes I was too focused on the fancy scenery until the lady at the counter caught my attention

"Oh I'm sorry I was so amazed at how fancy this place was," I said scratching my head in embarrassment

" It's not a problem mam may I get your name to please?" The lady said

"Tanae Galesong," I said

"Ok tell me are you related to Ivan Galesong?" The lady said

"Yes I am I'm his little sister," I said nervously chuckling

"You look exactly like him," The lady said typing my name in the computer and handing me a light blue room key "Ok your room is 302 breakfast starts at 7:00 AM, and stop serving breakfast at 10:00 AM if you have any questions or concerns please feel free to call"

"Thank you so much for your help Miss," I said

"Stacey," Stacy said waving

"Everyone seems nice," I said walking to the elevator with my suitcase as my computer bag latched to my shoulder as soon as I walked out of the elevator I was greeted by four adults waiting outside the elevator I quickly looked away and continued walking

"I know it's rude to not greet them," I said to myself unlocking the hotel room door which I was amazed by the scenery there was a big flat screen tv, next to it was the WiFi password and a list of channels, there was a small kitchen which included a stove, a fridge, and a dishwasher then the bathroom was in a different room. A few minutes later after unpacking my bag I took out my phone and text my friends lay down on the soft comfy bed. I put my phone down and looked at the time reading 2:30 in the afternoon so I decided to take a nap and finish up my blogs it was probably time for dinner so I put back on my shoes take my room key, phone and walked to the elevator still greeted with three adults instead of four

"Hey guys wait for me" A blue-haired with red eyes man said holding the elevator door

"It's not my fault that you drink too much and pass out on the bed," A lady with short curly hair said I looked at her and looked away burying my face in my phone

"Hey what's your name kid?" The tall blue hair man said

"Tanae Galestone," I said nervously not looking up at the tall male

"I'm Devon and these are my bandmates TJ, Jessica, Eric,

"Nice to meet you," Jessica said

"Nice to meet all of you too I'm sorry for my rude behavior this morning I'm very shy when meeting new people," I said nervously hearing the elevator door chimed leading us to the lobby of the hotel

"What brings you here to Sourbite city? Devon asked following me out of the elevator

"I'm here to see my brother Ivan and I got hired to be a model at big star productions," I said

"Oh your that girl what the news been talking about dressed in your cute outfits," Jessica said

" Yep I must go nice meeting you all," I said running off to the kitchen

"I didn't know that Ivan had a sister," Devon said

" Neither did we," Eric and the others said in unison

As I was walking to the kitchen I bumped into a familiar someone I tried to apologize but I froze in which I knew who it was Sophie White. The captain of the cheerleading team along with her Emily snow  and Sophia White they still haven't changed after graduating from college she turned at me and giggled

"What a pleasant surprise for you to show up here I wasn't expecting that a Lil baby like you would even show up did your mommy picked your outfit for you?" Emily teased

"Leave me alone Emily," I said minding my own business

"What your going to do about it cry?" Sophie teased

I just ignored the mockery and continue taking up my dinner for today and walk away. After I left I wanted to cry I sit next to the table closest to the window watching the cars drive in and out of the parking lot until Devon walks over to my table and handed me a tissue I looked up and see Devon smiling face

"Is everything ok?" Devon asked

"You saw what happened did you?" I asked wiping my tears

"Yeah were they always that mean to you?" Devon asked

"Yeah ever since middle school they been like that and the bullying never stopped," I said wiping my tears with the tissue

"Hey you wanna know something back in high school I was bullied too for being different from everyone else I got called names, pushed around but that's when I realized you just cancel out the negative thoughts and replace them with positive you would feel better about yourself," Devon said with a smile

"Yeah your right thanks Devon," I said putting my plate up in the bin

"No problem," Devon said getting up and walking back to the table

"I'll see you guys later I have to meet with my photographer," I said walking out of the hotel walking to the agency

"Hello, who are you here to see?" The receptionist said

"Hello my name is Tanae Galestone I'm here to see Mr.Jake Snow" I replied

"Oh certainly he's upstairs on the 12th floor you can take the elevator up to his office I'll let him know that your here," The receptionist said

"Thank you so much," I said walking to the elevator

As soon as I stepped inside I was amazed by how fancy the elevator was it was a clear glass elevator that has an amazing view of the city. I sighed and wondered to myself what my new life would be like. When I stepped out of the elevator I was greeted in front of the big door and  with Mr. Snow as office printed in gold

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