The Trip Part Two.

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As Matteusz slept he flitted in and out of dreams about the argument and what he had said to Charlie finally ending when he was jerked awake by the horrible thought that Charlie might throw him out like his parents had. He reached out for his phone and looked at the screen to see the time, normally if he had woken up at six he would be tired and go back to sleep but the though was still there, the horrible one that had been in his mind ever since his family had thrown him out a few weeks ago. Deciding to take his mind of it he made himself coffee thinking about what he would say to Charlie when he woke up.

Around seven, and two cups of coffee later, Charlie woke up. He was clearly surprised to see Matteusz awake. As Charlie sat up Matteusz handed him a coffee, "How did you know when I would wake up?" Charlie asked.

"I always know you wake up at seven," Matteusz said "I am sorry about what I said yesterday I know how much the cabinet means to you."

"No Matteusz stop," Charlie interrupted "You were right; I was just in a bad mood because of what happened with Quill."

"But still I should not of said what I did." Matteusz said.

"Matteusz I understand why you said that," Charlie interrupted. "it was my fault."

"Ok." Matteusz said feeling like he should still explain.

"I wonder what Quill's doing." Charlie's suggestion was clearly a vain attempt to change the subject, however Matteusz clung t it like a lifeboat.

"Probably throwing darts at a picture of us," Matteusz smirked "or knives, yeah definitely knives."

"The Arn would kill her if she did that." Charlie corrected.

"I was joking." Matteusz explained, sometimes it was hard to remember that Charlie was an alien.

"Oh," Charlie sipped thoughtfully at his coffee "Thanks."

"It's the least I could do." Matteusz smiled. Two quiet buzzes interrupted the conversation and they both looked at their phones.

Shadow Queen: Hey anyone wanna meet up for lunch?

Genius Gamer: Yeah

Genius Gamer: But I need to call my mum first. LOL =/

Shadow Queen: It's nice that she cares.

Genius Gamer: Rly? Gtg I'll cul8r.

Prince of Art: Hi!

Lovable Giraffe: Good morning.

Shadow Queen: Hay!! ; )

Shadow Queen: How are you.

Lovable Giraffe: Good.

Prince of Art: Is Ram still asleep?

Shadow Queen: To be honest I think he may be dead.

Lovable Giraffe: Lol

Charlie looked up at Matteusz and asked "What?"

"It means laugh out loud." Matteusz explained.

"But you're not laughing." Charlie pointed out. It was ironic that Charlie had fought an army of genocide crazed shadows but was stumped by human society, and elevators.

"No, it means that you find something funny." Matteusz elaborated.

"Oh," Charlie still looked quizzical "and why do you find it funny that Ram might be dead?"

It turned out that April had been going on trips to Edinburgh almost every year; she suggested a café round the corner from their hotel. Luminescent neon letters flashed in the window proclaiming 'Open'

"Why do humans like bright colours?" Charlie asked, watching the sign with fascinated awe.

"Did you not have things like this on Rho-" Matteusz stopped as Charlie nudged him meaningfully.

"No," He looked awkwardly at the pavement "and even if we did it wouldn't of made it any happier."

"What do y-"

"Let's go in." Charlie suggested pushing the door open.

Small clusters of plastic chairs around wooden tables cluttered the small room. Succulent smells of cinnamon and ginger hovered sweetly over the counter, which was painted with pastel coloured flowers.

April waved at them from a table by the window while elbowing Ram awake. "Hey."

Ram gave a start and tried to sit up straighter, and remove his feet from the chair next to him.

Charlie went to get some drinks while Matteusz sat down. "How have you been?" Matteusz asked watching as Ram went back to sleep with his feet stretched out over a chair.

"Good," April looked vaguely out of the window "my mum took me here a year after the accident."

"Oh," Matteusz followed her gaze almost as if he could see the memories she was thinking of "were you happy?"

"It helped us, a lot." April sighed.

"What helped you?" Charlie asked carrying a tray of steaming mugs.

"Oh, nothing." April glanced at Matteusz. He understood.

"Has anyone seen Tanya?" Matteusz asked as Charlie opened his mouth to ask more questions.

"She's probably still being lectured by her mother." April smirked.

"Or she's late, most likely just late." Charlie pointes out.

"Or she's standing behind you." A voice said over Matteusz' shoulder.

"Hi Tanya." Matteusz smiled mischievously.

"Ah," April blushed "we were just joking."

"I know." Tanya smiled kicking Ram's leg of the last chair. 

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