Chapter 1: The First Day

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For the first time in a long while I woke myself up without the need of an alarm. Today is the day. Today is the day that my entire future will be changed. It's my 20th birthday.
On every girls 20th birthday she is allowed to move out of her parents house get a job, a home, look for a husband and start her life. But first they have to take a test, a three hour forty minute test almost like an interview and 2 week course.
The first test consists of a bunch of questions about our talents, passions etc. We review what our test scores are and figure out what jobs and lifestyle best suit us. The second part of the interview is to find what we look for in a husband. Some say that that's the fun part others say it's the most nerve racking. Finally the 2 week course. Based on our answers and scores the program gives us a 2 week " trial" of what our life would be like. If I like the lifestyle I've chosen and the council agrees as well that's how I will spend the rest of my life. But if I or the council disagree with my future lifestyle I repeat the process all over again.
So basically today is the start of the rest of my life. I jump out of bed and rush to the bathroom. I scan my fingerprint and go in. There isn't much here besides a tub, shower, toilet, and mirror. I hop in the shower and clean myself very quickly before the water shuts down. We are only allowed 4 minute showers to conserve water and energy. I dry off my hair and the rest of me, and head over to the closet.
I go over to the section for all of my dresses and pick my favorite white long sleeve dress with lace on the bottom, I look around my closet and grab my black pumps black necklace black purse, and black earrings. Noticing a pattern here? The council only allows us to wear white and black for events like this. The only color we can have is natural or on our cheeks and lips.
After getting dressed I do my hair and makeup. Because I'm not a big fan of making my face look like a toddler put crayon on it I keep my makeup simple with mascara and pastel pink lipstick. I curl my long hair and I am ready to go. Well almost.
My best friend Rose also turns twenty today. We were born on the same day, same time, and in the same birthing center. Some people say that it was planned because our parents are best friends but they insist that it was all a coincidence. She's supposed to be meeting me at my home in 10 minutes so we can make it to the center 45 minutes early.
I make my way downstairs to see my parents waiting at the bottom of the stairs for me. They are holding on to each other and I can tell they are holding back tears.
" Look at our baby girl, she's all grown up."

I laugh a little nervous.

"Where's Elizabeth?" I ask for my older sister, she said that she would be here early, but she's no where to be seen.

" I think that she went to the gym she said that she'll be back to see you after your test."
I inwardly roll my eyes. That's just like her to leave me on a day like today. The silence in the house is awkward because none of us know what to say to each other. I have been living under my parents roof for 20 years and today is the day that I finally get my freedom. I know that it's probably wrong for me to be this happy and excited when they are upset but, I just can't help it.
The awkward silence is ended when Sara the house's alert system tells us that Rose is here. I run over to her and engulf her in a big hug.
" Rose! Happy birthday!" I exclaim excited to see my closest friend.
" Happy birthday to you too Joli."
We both giggle. Rose steps to the side revealing her mother Tara.

" Hi Mrs.Fern how are you?"
" I'm good, just sad that my two girls are all grown up. Happy birthday by the way."
" Thank you."
Roses mom and I exchange small talk for a while and then she joins my parents in their tear fest.
Rose and I stay a little longer but decide it's time to go.

" I'm so excited!!!!" Rose practically screamed in my ear as we got into m my car.
"I know right, this day decides the rest of our lives."
"Speaking of which we wouldn't want to be late."
"I know so let's go."
Rose let's a devilish smile play off of her lips.
I shake my head ferociously
"No we are not taking that evil flying vehicle."
Rose loves my flying Car that my parents bought me for my 19th birthday, but I on the other hand hate it.
"Please Joli, the air traffic is lighter, and it's my birthday."
I make the stalest face that I can muster up.
" Fine but you're driving."
Rose squeals excitedly, and I toss her the keys
We drive to the center and arrive an hour early. Rose steps out of the car and runs up the center steps, while I'm stuck at the bottom. Everything that I say and do today will decide how I live forever. Rose noticed my absence and waves me up.
"Come on Joli you have nothing to be afraid of, just be yourself." I swear sometimes she can read my mind. I make my way up the stairs and we walk in together.
"Good morning." The seemingly friendly receptionist greets us.
"Good morning, my friend Joli and I are here for Choice."
"Happy birthday both of you, what is your name."
"Rose, thank you."
"Thank you." I say still nervous.
" Okay you guys are quite the early birds."
We both nod smiling.
"Well just follow the hallway to your Right and go into the first room to your right."
We thank her and follow her directions.
We end up in a beautiful room. Everything is white and gold like the rest of the center but something about this seems more, homely but still elegant. There is a white water fountain in the center,a long white couch around the entire perimeter with a long gold Coffee table with refreshments in the middle. Even though all of this was quite magnificent none of it compared to the quotes and words of encouragement on the wall. It was all in gold  plaques in various places all around the room. They said things like take everything one day at a time, just be you and the rest will come. It all put me at ease.
10 minutes later someone called us for a check in off some sort. The middle aged brunette takes us through a process of taking our height, weight, fingerprints, personal information, picture, and basic health. After this process we are directed back to our seats. We spend the time talking about the other people who Walk into the Choices room.
"She's probably going to marry someone Rich, end up cheating on him and they get a messy divorce"
"You got all of that from her outfit and hair color?" I ask Rose, about her crazy conspiracy.
"Yup." Rose responds popping the p.
"You are definitely crazy." I smile wildly at her.
"I prefer the term insane, thank you very much." We both laugh.
After a half hour of waiting I'm called into the room by a blond woman in a crisp black pants suit. I get up and brush my self off.
"Welcome to the first day of the rest of your life." The woman greets me.
"Thank you" I nod graciously.

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