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Sam and dean walked into a gas station that was pretty much in the middle of nowhere. Sam had a limp, and Dean was just fine.

They had finished a hunt about a day ago and were already heading to their next destination. But first they needed gas and food.

"Hurry up, sammy," Dean said to his younger brother who was a little behind do to his limp.

"I'm coming Dean, but my leg hurts. I think I pulled a muscle when I was running away from the friggin' monster."

Sam always complained when he had to go on hunts with Dean and his father.

"Sam, stop complaining. You'll be fine," Dean said as he pushed open the door to the gas station and stepping inside.

"Ugh. Okay."

He followed Dean into the gas station and immediately he saw two people, one looked to be around Dean's age and the other looked to be around his age.

The older one was leaning against the wall, reading a book. The other one was impatiently tapping his fingers on the counter thing.

"Okay, Sammy. Go pick out some snack. Hurry though, dad's waiting in the car for us."

"Yeah, Dean. I know dad's waiting."



Sam went around to the back, where all of the chips and stuff were.

He was looking at some veggie straws when a voice said from beside him "Those are no good, you should at least get the Pringles."

His head snapped around and his hand made a fist.

"Dude, chill. I'm not a threat."


"It's okay. I'm Gabriel." He stuck his hand out for Sam to take. Sam didn't take it. Instead, he said "You're short."

Gabriel blinked and said "I'm aware of that."

Sam turned back to the veggie straws and started to read the ingredients and labels.

"Really? You're not even going to tell me your name? Okay, I'll just call you sasquatch, then."

"What? No, don't call me that," sam said, turning back towards Gabriel. "Listen, I'm sorry, I'm just in a bad mood. I'm Sam."

"Well okay. Haha, how 'bout Samsquatch, then."

"What the hell? No!"

"Language!" He heard Dean shout from the other side of the tiny store. Apperently he could her their conversation.

"Like you can talk!" He yelled back.

"Well you got me there. Carry on."

Sam rolled eyes.

"Haha, got an annoying big brother, too? I got two of them, ones in the front and the other is at the house, probably annoying the hell out of our other million siblings."

"You have a lot of siblings? I only have Dean," Sam said, thinking about how it would be if he had more siblings.

"Lucky. Siblings are weird. And gross. One of them stuck gum under the kitchen table and it was a horrific experience, lemme tell you that."

"Ha. I guess I am lucky then."

"Very lucky," Gabriel said, taking a pack of gummy bears off of the shelf.

Sam nodded.

"Sammy!" Dean yelled from the front. "Hurry up! Dad's waiting!"

"Coming!" Sam grabbed at least five packs of the mini veggie straws of of the shelf and started walking - well, limping - over to the front.

"Well, bye I guess!" Gabe called after him.

"Yeah, bye!" sam called, walking out of view.

Gabe continued looking at the gummy bears as he heard the beep of the scanner, and soon after, the ring of the bell as the door opened and closed as Sam and Dean left.

A/N I know it's not my best, but oh well.
I would love feedback, criticism is needed. I would like to know what I did wrong and I would like to fix it

Thank you,
- {name undetected}

Seriously, you guys need to give me a nickname. Like something sweet. Like my name on here is Fangirl, maybe that? My real name is Sofia, but what fun is that?

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Sep 07, 2020 ⏰

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Veggie Straws and Gummy Bears _-_-_ a Sabriel AU StoryDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora