Chapter Six

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Lydia ran in thinking I was injured,or that Jesus was,but realizing she was mistaken.Jesus was smiling down at me and I stared up in wonder.I slowly went on my knees and bowed for about three seconds when he waved his hand."There is no need for that,"He said warmly,and I got up slowly.Lydia sat awkwardly in the doorway.She walked forward and then bowed formally.After a timely book she says softly,"My Lord,I came for miss Christiana Halo."

"Yes,please allow me a few minutes,"He said warmly.

"Of course,my Lord,"And she left quietly.It seemed to take forever for him to speak,when he finally jokes,"You know,you are allowed to speak."

The words came out in one breathe."Is what you said true?"

"I do not lie,"Jesus said.

"Of course not,but there are circumstances...Um,never mind,"I say,and my knees fail me.I kneel on the ground.

"My aunt and uncle?"I ask.

"Yes,I told them in a dream to foster you."

"Why did I grow up in the Earth?"I ask,biting my tongue to not say how horrible my "parents" were.

"You were special,the devil wanted you for his team,because he knew that he could rule if he had a follower that powerful.Once you were born I asked Lydia to take you to earth."

"So...What House am I in?"

"That depends on which house you would like to be in."He said gently.

That was a hard decision..."I,um..I'll go in magic house..."He had a face of shock.Then he had an expression of uneasiness.

"Are you sure?Most of the devil's followers come from the magic house."

"Lydia is the best example of the Magic to make anyone want to be with her house."

"True,but...Oh,very well,just stay cautious,"He said uneasily.

"Thank you,my Lord,"I bow respectfully.

"Oh,call me Father."He said graciously.

"Bye,"I said,then blushing realising it was not that formal to say.

"Make me proud,young warrior,"He said.I walked out and Lydia walked inside.Apparently He told her to come in.

"Wait out there,"I heard him say,so I stayed.I couldn't help but eavesdrop,but heavy metal doors closed,and were soundproof so I couldn't hear.

Eventually after a timely discussion Lydia came out worried,and then quickly pulled herself together and had no emotion.No expression.I didn't say anything but it was awkward silence.Finally she looked left then right and then pulled me to an empty restaurant and whispered,"What were you thinking!?"

"Excuse me?"

"Magic House?He told you most black angels came there,it's dangerous in there,even more dangerous for your!"


"No,never mind,"She said,stressed.

"What did he say to you?"

"Nothing,just...Nothing,"She said,and went into the council."The Magic House is over there,"She pointed east.


"And remember!"She said urgently,"Be cautious.Oh,and if Gabriel disapproves of anything,follow her instructions."

"Whos Gabriel?"

"The only one with read hair,and mint green eyes.If you cant find him call his name.He'll come."

"Okay,but where are you going?"

"I must meet with the council,"She said firmly.


"I am head of Magic House.Gabriel is sub leader,although he is sub leader,the others do not listen to him much.Or at least behind his back.Just be cautious and follow his call."

"Okay,"I walk to the Magic House and walk bravely,not cautiously,even though from what I've been hearing its very hazardous.

Heavenly House Chronical's:The Wand of Elders(Finished)Where stories live. Discover now