She's a Witch

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Name's Olivia Potter all my life. I've been told that my father and mother were killed in a car crash by a drunk driver on the day of my birth. They were on the way to the hospital to bring me into this world. Miraculously I was unharmed and was surgically removed and put in the ICU till I was well enough to be but in foster care.

I am now 10 and living with a family of 5. Two boys and one girl, the boys are the elders at the age of 11 and 9 and their girl at the age of 8. So that would make Jake (11), me (10), Peter (9) and Amy (8). They Were wonderful people but the mother told me when I got to their home that I fit in her picture-perfect family of two boys and two girls all within a year from each other and boy, girl, boy, girl.

After I turned 10 things started to happen around the home, I just looked it over as this house is old and probably hunted. But now they have been happening more and more and its harder to hide them or give an explanation to them. These strange occurrences are starting to make my life harder than usual. My foster siblings do not particularly like me to begin with and now they make my life harder by making me do all the chores. The worst part is I do it because I do not want them to tell me to my foster parents.

Skip 2years and tomorrow is my 12th birthday and my adoptive mother is throwing me a big birthday party. I had invited all my school friends and a few adoptive families had come to. Today every time I shut my eyes I see a strand of red hair and then a woman saying I am sorry. And then I see the sign for the hospital. It's not always in that order and there are never more or less.

My party was great now me and my family are having diner and we get a knock at the door

"Honey are you expecting someone," My adoptive mom asks my dad

"Not that I'm aware of." He answered and got up and went to the front door

"Olivia the door is for you darling." My dad said. So, I got up from the diner table and went to the front door where an old man was standing at the door. This man was wearing this long blue rob and he has this long beard.

"Hello miss Olivia I'm Professor Albus Dombldor may I come in?" He asked my dad and all I could do was step aside. It was strange it was like I knew this man but I have no memory of ever meeting him. He came inside the house and examined the decor

"You have a lovely home mister and miss Carter. Is there an area we may speak in private for just a few minutes." He said as he walked into the kitchen/dining area

"Why thank you yes please have a seat in the front den. Can I offer you a cup of tea or a glass of water." My mom gestures to the Den proud of herself because a stranger has complimented her home.

"A lovely cup of tea would be lovely. Thank you. Follow me Olivia we have lots to discuss." He made his way to the den and sat down in one of our chairs. I followed suit. I sat across from him with 50milion questions and he had not started speaking yet.

"Okay so first things first, have you been able to move an object without touching it or making things disappear.?" He asked me

"Yes, but what did that have to do with me? It just makes me a freak"

"I definitely don't make you a freak, it just makes you special like me and many others. You see, I'm the headmaster of a school where you get to learn how to use your gift."

"So like the X-Man?" I ask perplexed and there was a knock on the door and my mom entered with a tray of tea and an assortment of biscuits

"I'll be in the kitchen if you need anything else." She placed it on the table next to us and made her way out

"Thank you it looks divine." He poured a cup of tea and waited till she was gone to respond to me

"I'm not familiar with the X-Man. But Albus Dumbledore is the headmaster at Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry and you Miss Olivia Lily Potter have been accepted to Hogwarts." He rummages in his rob and handed me a letter

"What did you just call me? My name is Olivia Maria Carter, not Olivia Lily Potter."

"That is true you do now go by that but you were born Olivia Lily Potter. That letter is your school supplies. We don't normally go hand this out to everybody but you miss Potter, need a better explanation. When you were a year old there was a war going on in the wizarding world and to protect you because not many people knew of you. Your parents hid you here in the Muggle world to keep you safe. Unfortunately, they were killed protecting your older brother Harry. He is still well and he attends Hogwarts. I know it's a lot to take in but I'm here to answer your question."

I looked at the letter and it was addressed to me but with Olivia Potter and in comas Olivia Carter.

"So if your headmaster of Hogwarts and Hogwarts is a school of witchcraft and wizardry then that means you're a wizard and I'm a..."

"Your a witch and Hogwarts is one of the best school to learn how to harness it and use"

"Okay, so I'm a witch. My biological parents are dead because of war and I've got a big brother named Harry. Is that all."

"Yeah, that sums it all just that school starts in a few days September 1 to be exact. Now if you'd like to go get your family so I can explain and then we can get you to the leaky cauldron and you can meet your brother and his friends." He took a sip of tea and I went to get my folks and siblings. I just sta and listen to Professor Dumbledore explain the situation my mother looked sad but happy and my dad looked confused. My siblings were putting the pieces of the puzzle together

"That makes a lot of sense now." Jake broke the silence that was building. Our mom sent us up to my room to start packing while she asked Dumbledore lots of questions from what do the classes consist of and is it safe oh and do they feed us. All my dad wanted to know was what was the cost

"So you're a witch. All this time I just thought you were a freak, this makes you less of a freak and more of a weirdo." Peter said and laughed

"Hey, that's not nice. Take that back, your the weirdo Amy hit him with my shoes and looked at me and gave me a smile that had a mix of happiness, sadness and I've got your back no matter what.

"Aw thank Amy but I think Peter was just joking. Now I'm going to write to you lot as much as I can and I'll be back in no time for our summer holiday by the looks of my schedule." She hugged her siblings "I'll miss you"

"Question? What do we tell your friends at school and everyone else?" Jake ask

"Well, we will tell them this. Olivia has been chosen to go study at a prestigious school in the North and she will be back in the summer" Mum popped her head in mind and Amy's bedroom. She sent the other downstairs to clean up dinner and she helped me put things in my trunk that was magically put there for me.

"I hope you have a wonderful time. Dumbledore did ask me one thing while at school would you like to be called Miss Potter or Miss Carter."

That one is difficult because, on the one hand, she wants to be called by her maiden name but on the other, she doesn't want to hurt her new family.

"If it's possible I'd love to change my name to Olivia Lily-Carter Potter. Therefore I keep both names but they would call me Miss Potter. I don't want to hurt your feelings."

"Oh Baby girl you would never hurt me and I think that your new name is beautiful." She hugged me tightly "I love you. Now lets a move on we must make our way to the leaky cauldron and then tomorrow morning we will go by your books and things" she let go of me and took one end of my trunk and I took the other and made or way down the stairs and to the front foyer.

Olivia PotterWhere stories live. Discover now