oh, well

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(My pov)

Id slip on my pink shirt, jeans, socks and shoes, then my mask and my headband. I'd open my bright pink door to the living room. After that, I walked a mile to grab a pink cup of coffee from  the pink shop next door, I sigh as I'd pay with my green dollars to the blue cashier. As I turn around, I grab my pink purse and fly out the door.

I'd smile as shed move up a color which is a neon blue before she finally turned green..

Id walk farther before getting to the school...and finally walk in, everybody dressed in color ranging from white the beginners. To gold, which is the highest ranking on the list. Blacks, yellows, blues, pinks(heyo gurls), purples, and more 

The turquoise and cyan ones are seeming to be the intellectuals..
The rest of the pink ones seem to be like me, perky and hyper.

Blacks tend to be emo while their counterparts, blues tend to be more emotional than usual.

Then there is the gold, silvers, and bronzes, all cousins of platinum and diamond, the elites of the school....the glorious ones......

Ow....... what was that..

Omg, omg, omg...........I- cant believe this.....hes actually here?!?!?@

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2020 ⏰

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