Chapter 50

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After a week went by, I was starting to feel better without Tyler. I felt like I could breathe again. I hung out with Katherine and Bryan after school, and we would go to parties, or eat at fancy restaurants and leave without paying.

One night, Kris had a party at his house, Katherine said we didn't have to go, but we did anyways.

As soon as we walked through his doors, I knew that things were going to go wrong. It was so crowded in there; I could barely find room to breathe.

I figured we'd be in and out, just because the cops were probably already on their way.

I walked through the house with Katherine, and I stopped dead when we got to the kitchen, I saw Tyler standing against the counter with a can of beer in his left hand, his other arm wrapped around some red-head's waist. I felt jealousy flood through me. Before I could say anything, Katherine pulled me towards the backyard, where the pool lights were flickering.

"I'm going to kick her ass," I said strongly. Katherine patted my back as we found 2 lawn chairs.

"He's not worth it just forget about him," Katherine said. As if it were that easy to just forget about someone.

About a half an hour later, I saw the red head girl walk with Tyler towards the edge of the pool. She was wearing a blue crop top and jean shorts, and honestly it was way too cold outside to be wearing either.

"I'm going to go grab a drink, be right back," I said, getting up from off the chair. Bryan pulled my arm back.

"You sure? You're not going to go bust him?" Bryan asked with a coked eyebrow. I nodded my head.

"Yeah, nothing stupid, promise," I lied. I'd never done anything like what I was about to do. I knew it was wrong, but I didn't care. I was mad. I got a can of beer from the cooler, and then walked past Tyler, once the red head girl was in front of me, I pretended to lose my footing, and I pushed myself right into her back. She fell forward and crashed right into the pool, she screamed as the water drenched her and looked right at me with eyes full of hatred and disgust.

I heard gasps come from all around me.

I looked at Tyler who was staring at me in confusion. I gripped the can tight. It took everything in me not to laugh at what I had just done.

I clenched my jaw and cracked open the can, taking a swing, looking Tyler directly in the eyes.

"Oops," I said sarcastically. I turned on my heel and made my way back to Katherine, who had a concerned look on her face, I knew I sounded like a bitch, and I knew that people thought of me as one too.

"This isn't you Corrin," she said, as I took a seat in the chair next to her. I watched as Tyler walked into the house, leaving the red head in the pool, alone.

"Yeah, I guess it's not." 

And that wasn't such a bad thing. 

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