Chapter 4: Saving Dipper

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Mable says "Its time to gear up." Stan says "Yeah,I think." Mable and Stan both gear up and then go get Wendy to gear up. They go to Wendy. "Its time to save Dipper." Mable said. Wendy says "Ok." Then the trio goes to the forest and finds Soos tied up,so they untie him. Soos says "Thanks for unting me." Wendy,Mable,and Grunkle Stan say "Your welcome." They go to the Mystery Shack and Stanford has a cannon ready. "Thanks for setting it up." Grunkle Stan said. "No problem." Stanford said. "Hey Stanford." Grunkle Stan said. "Yeah?" Stanford said. "Are you going with us?" Grunkle Stan said. "Of course." Stanford said. They all launch to the pyramid. When they get there they sneak to where the have all the stone people,And see Dipper. Grunkle Stan picked the lock and all the people come back to life. Dipper says "What happened?" Mabel says "You turned evil and then Bill turned you to stone." "Oh, I got tricked into making a deal with him like Stanford did." Dipper said. Stanford says "Thats one thing we have in common." "Yeah I guess." Dipper said.

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