What happened

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*flash back*

U don't believe what happned when I get out from the bathroom and went to the table..........

*flashback end*

Mig and Alexie were blushing, gushing and talking to Andrew and Paul.

That means:-

Migan ❤ Andrew

Alexie ❤ Paul

Omg I can't believe it. I joined them and talked with Josh.

What did u have next guys.
I said.

Oh I have this disgusting class math.
Said migan wiz a disgust face.

Oh me 2
Said Andrew

Migan blushed. Omg she truly loves him. I will ask her after school.... but that's a bad idea.

I have social u know its boring class.
Josh said next.

Omg me 2 social why is our class similar too eachother.
I said opening my mouth.

I also have art today
Said alexie.

Omg I have art today just let me check my program.... its art.
Paul said.

We all walked wiz our crushes... not exactly sure about them but we simply walked in a silence. We see eachother every second and blushed.

Social class was near and the teacher get in. She said that she was gonna give a fun assignment.

She handled us a paper. It said:

This assignment that all 8th graders should do. It will be 50 percent of your academic score.

            Assignment rules
1, Everyone must be paired with someone on opposite gender.

2, Everyone will be given a country to do the assignment.

3, Assignments must be submitted next Monday that means one week for doing your assignment.

        Assignment instructions

1, Everyone must be dressed the cultural clothes of the country.

2, Everyone must bring the food of the country.

3, Everyone must have a display bored that have explanation about the country.


I am so stressed who to choose. I can choose Josh. Oh how  can I do it. Ugh don't know who how to ask him.

So When I went out from social I learned Math, and when I was on my way to go out.... Josh came....and he wanna say something but this Sabrina broke him up and said ' Hey Josh wanna be my partner on social'.

' don't ever think or dream of it u spoiled brat' he said.

She went crying.

Josh u wanna say something
I said to him.

Paul winked at him while passing.
Whats happening?

Mia.... I wanted to ask u that if u wanna be my.... partner
He said

I said

If u don't wanna it's ok
He said

Sure I will be ur partner
I said

He smiled said bye and went to his friends.

I went to mig and alexie.

Did u guys want a sleepover at my place
I said

They said

So we wait about 3 minutes talking and our driver come.

We get inside. We first went to migs place and mig hold her pyjamas and some chocolates.

Next at Alexis place her mother gave her a medicine that she must take at 8 and alex also brout her pyjamas.

We went to my house next.


My mom opened the door.

Hi mom
I said

Hi everyone.
She said

We r having a sleepover mom
I said

U can get in she said.

We went to my room and do our math homework together. Btw mig is good at math but don't like math.

We ate some snacks .

What can we do now.
I said

Truth or dare
Mig said.

So lets start by u mig
Alexi said.

Truth or dare
I asked

Mig said

Whom did u have a crush on
I asked

Oh nooooo... dare dare dare
She said

No u must answer
I said

Ok.... it's Andrew
She said

Oh how cute
We said

She blushed very harder than a  tomato.

Ok ur turn
I said

Ok truth
Alexi said

Who did u have a crush on
Mig said.

Omg what did I choose.... ok I will tell u its its its pau.....l
She said

Know I know to of my friends crushes.

We played and played.

Omg am very tired
Mig said yawning.

Dinner is ready
Mom said

We all went to the dinning table. We ate and went to my room.

I am now in the bathroom sitring and writing mig and alex r sleeping so I am bored.

Omg my dad is home I think so I want to see him .


U don't  belive what happened dad brought me a new makeup kit.

He said that he is not the one who buy it. It was mom.

I hugged them and went to sleep.

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