Chapter 1 meeting the cute boy

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P: Claire I can't believe your here in la
C: well I'm here
*knock knock*
C: I'll get it
H: hey I'm Hayden you must be claire *winks*
C: um yea that's me *blushes*
H: *whispers in her ear* hey I see you blushing cutie
C: *blushes more*
P: yo Hayden what's good
H: nothing much you
P: same so I'm gonna leave cause lev is heat to pick me up
Clayden: ok
H: so Claire tell me about yourself
C: well my name is Claire I'm 12 years old and yea
H: so um why were you blushing at the door *blushed cause he new why*
C: umm it's nothing *embarrassed*
H: look Claire I know we met like literally 2 seconds ago but I think your pretty cute and i kinda have a crush on you *winks*
C: umm I have had a crush on you since I was 11 I must have had a glow up
H: no I always thought you were cute and I had a crush on you for a year now
C: oh *blushes*
H: I think I know something that will help *smirks*
C: what is it
H: *starts leaning in to kiss her cheek*
P: umm Hayden what are you doing
H: umm nothing nothing at all
C: yea nothing happened *thinks I wish he would have kissed me*
P: umm ok I just forgot my wallet
H: ok bye
C: bye pipes
P: bye
H: now where were we
C: umm I don't know
H: I think we were *sits closer to Claire*
C: wanna watch a movie
H: yea but a scary one
C: no I'll get scared
H: I'm right here
C: ok
*scary part shows*
C: ahhhh *jumps on Hayden's lap*
H: shhh it ok *puts his arm around Claire*
C: I'm scared
H: it's ok *hugs her tight*
C: *falls asleep in Hayden's arms*
*the next day*

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2020 ⏰

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