Part 3

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The next morning, I reminded myself that I'm hanging out with Lydia today. She told me to meet her at 8 Street Station, right? I glanced at the clock. Oh no, it's 7.30 AM! She told me to meet her at 8.00 AM! How am I supposed to shower, get dressed, eat breakfast, and get to 8 Street Station in thirty minutes!

"No time to think, just do!" I told myself as I jumped out of bed and took a quick shower.

I barely had time to choose my outfit for the day. Actually, I just opened the door to my closet and chose the first thing that I saw. In the end, I wore a dark green sweater with a black pinafore dress embedded with flowers. What? I chose that outfit last minute. I packed my essentials into a black mini backpack, stuffed a piece of toast into my mouth, and darted out the door. I literally sprinted towards 8 Street Station while eating my toast. I know, I could've choked on my toast but who cares?! I'm going to die anyway. Finally, I reached 8 Street Station. I leaned on my knees while gasping for air. Lydia was standing in front of me.

"Wow, had a rough morning?" teased Lydia.

I rolled my eyes.

"Let's get this over with" I muttered as we walked into the train.

After some stops and a five-minute walk, we arrived at... 34th Street?

"Wait, I thought we were going to a mall?" I asked Lydia. She smiled sheepishly.

"Well, last-minute changes. 34th Street has a wider clothing selection. Like Urban Outfitters, Forever 21, Zara, and lots more" explained Lydia.

Well, I do see a Uniqlo store from here. And it's huge! Today might be a shopping trip I might enjoy.

"Alright, but can we get to Uniqlo first" I pleaded.

"Girl, you do match Uniqlo style"

After two hours of trying stuff on and contemplating with Lydia, I finally got what I want. Lydia and I have different tastes. I like simple and neutral, she likes colorful and glamorous. She thinks that my taste of style was too boring and the total opposite of individualistic.

I bought a pastel blue cashmere jumper, two leggings, a navy blue zipped hoodie with faux brown fur coated inside, a pastel pink graphic sweatshirt, and a pair of sweat pants which nearly gave Lydia a fashion heart attack. I smiled at her agonized face as she looked at the 'hideous' thing.

"Why do you care about what I wear anyways. I mean, sweatpants are the most comfortable things ever!" I told her as we walked out of the store.

"A. Real fashion ain't that comfortable. B. I'm a fashion major"

Oh, that explains things. I tailed Lydia for the rest of the trip. She spent most of the day in Zara. I spent most of the day looking at Lydia arguing to herself about buying a sequined crop top or an equally sequined dress. Seriously, if I was to know better, she might be crazy. You know you're crazy when you start arguing to yourself about simple things.

"Just buy 'em both, Lydia," I told her.

"Good idea, why didn't I think of that!"

She's starting to frustrate me. Lydia kept coaxing me to buy a pair of holo shoes. I gave up and bought them. It's not like I have to wear them anyway. Finally, the stupid day was over and I survived without going home covered in sequins and wearing heels.

I said goodbye to Lydia and walked home. A Uniqlo shopping bag in one hand and a Skechers bag in the other. I decided to buy a pair of white, Doctor Seuss sneakers. They have pictures of Thing one and thing Two on it (from The Cat In The Hat). One of my favorite Doctor Seuss books. The only reason I bought it was because it looked cute and Skechers are famed to have really comfortable shoes. I'll wear them tomorrow when I hang out with Jason.

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